Champions Online
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Art Corner: Melee Weapons

Hey Champs fans,

Hot on the heels of last week's weapons of war, we follow with a glance at even more implements of destruction - mighty melee weapons! This week, heavy weapons and claws get their due as we explore some possible directions for these amazing armaments, courtesy of Josh G.

First, for The Devastator Archetype, we wanted to include some heavy hitters themed around blunt force. Hammers and clubs took center stage, themed in various ways. We also wanted to accommodate some of the specific player requests as well (guitar axe, anyone?). Additionally, we've begun to incorporate ideas for including custom FX on weapon geometry. For example, the Steampunk hammer just cries out for thick, oily smoke and spinning gears.

Next, we wanted to explore every possible permutation of fighting claws. Stylistically, we've left no stone unturned here! Any hero, whatever their origin or fighting style, can surely find something to fit their particular fist or forearm.

While our next weapons pack will feature many of these ideas prominently, there will be some support for blade weapons as well. Nevertheless, when this pack debuts, heavy hitters and killer claws will certainly have their day!

Brad Stokan
Lead Artist - Champions Online

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