Heroes, the first part of Steel Crusade launches on 9/10, and you'll be able to unlock brand-new powers with the Reawakened Automaton archetype, a cybernetic crusader designed specifically for endgame players!
The Reawakened Archetypes are a new system designed for players who've already reached Level 40 and want more power choices for their freeform characters. If you've already leveled up a character to 40, you'll be able to create a new character in one of the Reawakened archetypes, starting with the Reawakened Automaton.
The Reawakened Automaton is a sentient offensive weapons platform with a shoot-first attitude. While proficient at ranged combat, the Automaton possesses options for melee engagements and in-combat recovery. The Automaton has some very strong AoE damage, especially at higher-level, but leverages buffs to help demolish solo supervillains as well.
The Automaton will include brand-new powers, powers that aren't available to freeform characters... yet. If you level up to 40 in a Reawakened archetype, you'll unlock its new powers and be able to choose them on your freeform characters, just like any other powers. For instance, reach level 40 in the Reawakened Automaton, and you'll unlock Rocket Punch, Binding Shot, and Aspect of the Machine.
Rocket Punch: The Automaton can really throw a punch! This power fires Crushing damage in a straight line. Rocket Punch can be upgraded with a Blast Wave advantage, adding a knockback when charged.
Binding Shot: Snare your enemies with a powerful tangled coil attack, dealing both damage and humiliation as you freeze your enemies in place so you can deal with them at your leisure.
Aspect of the Machine: Scale up the mayhem with this toggled buff built to stack up your damage as fights go on, especially against crowds. Each enemy you hit with a Killing Blow will grant you a Frenzy stack, which increases your damage (both melee and ranged). The effectiveness of Frenzy scales with the higher of your Ego or Strength, and each stack lasts about 20 seconds.
The combination of the Targeting Computer and Aspect of the Machine powers means that you're rewarded for wiping out a villain's minions, stacking Frenzy, before locking in on the main villain. If anything -- like the main villain -- lasts more than three seconds, Targeting Computer will trigger, and you'll be getting bonuses against the target(s).
The full list of powers is below, so start planning your new character, or get a character up to Level 40 if you haven't already -- remember, this archetype is only available if you've already leveled one character up to 40.
The Reawakened Automaton comes out on 9/10 with the first part of Steel Crusade, heroes -- get ready for action!
Full power set:
Innate Characteristic boosts Ego, Recovery, and Constitution.
Super Stats: Ego (Primary), Recovery, and Constitution
Energy Builder: Wrist Bolter
Level 1: Power Gauntlet
Level 6: Rocket Punch (New!)
Level 8: Targeting Computer
Level11: Gauntlet Chainsaw or Chest Beam
Level 14: Aspect of the Machine (New!)
Level 17: Binding Shot (New!)
Level 21: Reconstruction Circuits
Level 25: Overdrive
Level 30: Lock N Load OR Ego Surge
Level 35: Orbital Cannon OR Energy Wave
Level 40: Implosion Engine
Specializations: Ego, Overseer, and Vindicator, then pick one of the associated Masteries.
Note: Binding Shot is a new, more thematic version of the Bolas power. It can also be unlocked, like the other powers.