Community Contest: Own a Rainbow Starry Panther
We’re introducing the Rainbow Starry Panther as the community mount for the summer. Here's your chance to own one of these majestic felines!
By Andy (StrumSlinger) July 05, 2016 10:29 AM

Update 7/18: Congrats to Arsolos, jaraxelle, demanranger, sashakhan, myraed, sithhappensx and socks133 on winning the panthers! More ways to get these beauties in the near future.

Summer is the season to celebrate adventurers of all backgrounds who are proud to be who they are. Neverwinter is home to many diverse players who band together to take down threat after threat – all while relaxing in their stronghold and forming unbreakable bonds. We’re happy to be the game that forges these relationships and will continue to stand for any adventurer.

We’re introducing the Rainbow Starry Panther as the community mount for the summer! This gorgeous feline has a coat of shifting colors with a rainbow trail to follow as it prowls throughout the Forgotten Realms. It contains an Illuminated and Universal Insignia slot.

We’ll be giving this mount away on multiple occasions throughout the summer with one of your first chances starting right now! Pay close attention.

  1. Below are five screenshots taken somewhere in Neverwinter, which all represent a color of the rainbow.
  2. All you need to do is scout out at least three of these spots, take the same screenshot with your character in front and post it in the official forum thread – please include your character name and @handle.
  3. All submissions need to be in by July 15 at 9:59AM PT (What time is this for you?)
  4. We’ll choose 7 winners from those who get three correct screenshots sometime on July 18 and send them the code through a PM on the forums.


Rules (Please read!):

  • You must use the same character for each of your screenshots.
  • All screenshots need to be posted before the deadline.
  • Try not to spoil the locations so all adventurers can search fairly.
  • Only one entry per person.
  • A screenshot counts if it gets most of the same background or is obviously in the same place.
    • Each screenshot has a “landmark” of sorts, which should make your camera easy to position.
  • This contest is only for PC. The Rainbow Starry Panther will be available for Xbox One at a later date.



  • All locations are in places where you do not need to be level 70.
  • No insane parkour required.


Have fun and good luck with finding each location. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask the community team.

We can’t wait to see the majestic Rainbow Starry Panther traveling throughout the lands of Neverwinter.

Submit your screenshots here