Well met, adventurers,
Lord Neverember is introducing a VIP Program to Neverwinter! What is VIP you ask? Let us explain.
VIP is a loyalty program, designed to reward players with cool benefits and features that enhance convenience. It is not required for the full Neverwinter experience.
Upon purchasing a VIP Pack from the Zen Market, you will instantly be granted 30 days of these bonuses, along with 1 loyalty rank. Each time you open a pack, your loyalty rank increases, up to a maximum of 12. As the ranks increase, so do your benefits!
Once purchased, your time as a VIP begins immediately. And if you choose to purchase another VIP pack, that amount of time is added onto whatever remaining time you already have. So if you open a pair of 30-Day packs back to back, you will immediately have 60 days’ worth of time. You can also purchase VIP packs one at a time, or in convenient groups of 3 or 6.
If your VIP time has expired, you will lose access to all loyalty benefits. However, it’s important to note that even though your VIP time can expire, loyalty rank never decreases. If you have 5 loyalty ranks when the timer expires, and you purchase a single VIP pack, you’ll progress to loyalty rank 6 immediately! Again, once you reach a loyalty rank, you can’t go below it.
VIP rank and time are both account wide, so buying one pack will unlock the benefits for all characters.
Below are the VIP ranks, and benefits of that rank.
Per Character
Per Account
All Rank 1 benefits, plus: Per Character
All Rank 2 benefits, plus: Per Character
All Rank 3 benefits, plus: Per Character
All Rank 4 benefits, plus: Per Character
All Rank 5 benefits, plus: Per Character
All Rank 6 benefits, plus: Per Character
All Rank 7 benefits, plus: Per Character
All Rank 8 benefits, plus: Per Character
All Rank 9 benefits, plus: Per Character
All Rank 10 benefits, plus: Per Character
All Rank 11 benefits, plus: Per Character
A VIP rewards pack containing 30 days of time and 1 rank of VIP is 1000 Zen. If you buy these packs in bulk (offered in groups of 3 and 6), further discounts are available.
Keep in mind that you can purchase as many days of VIP as you’d like; these are just the available packs and their pricing structure.
Pretty nifty if Lord Neverember says so himself! It’s a lot to take in, but once you’re in game you can see all of the different ranks and their benefits through the VIP window. We also suggest bookmarking this page so you can come back and check out the benefits of the VIP program.
Did you notice you’ll also be affecting other adventurers for the better if they’re simply in your presence? We know you did! The VIP program will benefit all, even those who don’t choose to purchase the packs. So if you see someone drop a signpost on the ground, go ahead and click on it – it will get you where you need to go!
VIP Packs will go on sale on the Zen Market when Strongholds launches on August 11. Lord Neverember is on the edge of his throne waiting for the day!