Patch Notes
Content and Environment
Protector's Enclave
- Civilians no longer clip through the sides of staircases quite as often.
- The VIP area of the Moonstone Mask no longer has particularly restrictive collision.
- Completing the Throne of the Dwarven Gods skirmish now correctly completes the related Stronghold daily quest.
- The Spore Tower description no longer includes "Untranslated" text.
Stronghold Siege
- Water in Knight's Lane is now dangerous.
- Prophecy of Madness: Three new achievements have been added: Balors' Bane, Master of Madness, and Protector of the Prophecy.
- Throne of the Dwarven Gods: Three new achievements have been added: Corruption Corrected, Flayer Slayer, Infiltration Foiled.
Dungeons and Boss Encounters
- Demogorgon: Players may no longer be vote-kicked while the Demogorgon encounter is active.
- Demogorgon: Two new achievements have been added: Tamer of Demogorgon and Master of Demogorgon.
- Intro quests are no longer incorrectly offered for dungeons that are currently inaccessible.
- Temple of the Spider: The introductory cutscene for Halbryn Dark Stalker now matches the name of the character in-game, and now properly plays before players are in attack range.
- Blackdagger Ruins: Various quests in this zone now properly show a quest path back to Blackdagger Ruins while outside the zone.
- Drowned Shore: The quest, Shock Troop, can now properly be completed while in a party.
Combat and Powers
- Grazilaxx's Active Companion Bonus now grants 190 Critical Strike at Rare quality and 300 Critical Strike at Epic / Legendary quality. They still also provide their existing bonus to Demonic Ichor earnings.
- The Snowy Fawn's Active Companion Bonus can now stack with the bonus from the Fawn of Shiallia.
Items and Economy
Artifact Weapons
- The Howling Artifact Weapon set bonus, Heart of Air, now procs when the wielding Scourge Warlock uses Shadow Slip. The tooltip has been updated as well.
- The Earthen Artifact Weapon set bonus, Earthen Heart, now properly stacks to 5.
Masterwork Professions
- Alum is now obtained more frequently from Explorer's Charts in Mt. Hotenow, relative to other materials.
- Call to Arms: Refiner's Cache now drops Enchantments of ranks 4/5/6, up from 3/4/5.
- Coupons now display the correct names and descriptions for what categories they affect.
- Known issue: This fix only addresses the English version of Neverwinter. Localized versions will be addressed in a later build.
- Items in the final bag now function the same as if they are in other bags.
- Example: Attempting to interact with a Black Ice node now properly functions if the pick is in the final bag.
- Mount Training Manuals are no longer available in the Wondrous Bazaar or at the Mount Merchant.
- Ring of Cowardice: The effect on this ring now properly has an internal cooldown.
- Simril refinement items now show the correct values in the tooltip.
- The Beholder Piñata no longer includes Liar's Charms.
- The Howling Hatred Lockbox now correctly states that it has a chance to drop the Trove of Elemental Evil.
User Interface
Login Screen
- The Username field no longer sometimes reverts to a long string of numbers rather than the player's username.
- Time-limited profession tasks, such as the ones for the Wonders of Gond event, now sort to the top of the profession task list.
- The error message has been improved for failing to gain Demonic Ichor after hitting the weekly cap.
- The quality reported by the reward pack UI now properly matches the highest quality item received.
- When a structure is at the maximum level, it no longer displays blank requirements for the next level.
Zen Market
- Moonsilver Regalia now properly has detail art.
- The Winter Wolf mount entry no longer incorrectly claims it provides 80% movement speed.
- There is now appropriate audio when selecting the Lizardfolk Shaman and Earth Archon companions in Sword Coast Adventures.
Graphics, Effects, and Animation
- Animation popping between running and walking is now less frequent for the Owlbear mount.
Stability and Performance
- A crash related to Steam integration has been addressed.
- Certain artifact weapons no longer crash the game when equipped.
- Dungeon maps no longer rarely crash when looting during the Double Seals event.
- Several miscellaneous rare UI-related crashes have been addressed.
- The client no longer crashes when attempting to cancel destruction of a Stronghold structure in the brief period after the structure has been destroyed, but before the Empty Plot UI loads.
- The client no longer rarely crashes in Stronghold coffer donation.
- Further fixes have been made to French and German localization.
- Localization updates have been made to the French, German, Italian, and Russian locales.