Announcing Neverwinter: The Maze Engine!
Announcing Neverwinter: The Maze Engine, which continues the story of demons escaping from the Abyss that was started in Neverwinter: Underdark.
By Andy (StrumSlinger) February 02, 2016 08:55 AM

Hey folks! Scott here again to tell you about Neverwinter: The Maze Engine! This powerful artifact is nearly in the clutches of a powerful demon lord, and the only way to stop... wait... I promised I WOULDN’T spoil all of the upcoming cool things in this first blog... right... Sorry.

Neverwinter: The Maze Engine continues the story of demons escaping from the Abyss that was started in Neverwinter: Underdark. I don’t want to give anything away just yet, so be sure to look for an upcoming blog where we’ll go over the story-thus-far, and give you a peak into what you can look forward to as overwhelming madness permeates the... /sigh right... no spoiling. I’ll just say for now that a lot of your favorite characters are making return appearances and ready for adventure!

So what are a few of the big news items this release? Here are three that stand out:

Dungeons are returning!

It’s been one of the things everyone (including those on the dev team) has been asking for since they went away. With Neverwinter: The Maze Engine, we are bringing back four of the favorites. Each of these dungeons has had both a visual and design pass to bring them up to the quality people expect.

We’re also bringing back Castle Never as a revamped, higher-tier dungeon. It’s got a new look, new fights and a new story.

Mounts are getting an overhaul!

Mounts are inherently pretty cool, but we thought they could be a lot better. With the upcoming mount system, we’re looking to add value to your furry (scaly?) friends. There’s a LOT to cover here and we’ll be releasing a series of blogs about how everything will work moving forward.

The short version: all of the mounts you already have will automatically be made better, and there are a lot of new mounts/mount features being created.

A new campaign for the solo player!

We know that campaigns at higher levels (Icewind Dale, Sharandar, etc.) can be very difficult to participate in if you’re a solo player. We’re using this new campaign, available at level 60, as a way to both provide additional story content (so much cool stuff here, it’s hard not to spoil), and give the solo player a growth-path to follow.

Upcoming Blogs

For everything mentioned above and more, we’ll be releasing blogs every week from now until release in Spring 2016! Check back regularly for detailed blogs including:

  • Dungeons to Delve
  • The New Mount System
  • The Maze Engine Campaign
  • Famous Faces
  • The Return of Castle Never
  • Queue Improvements
  • New Rewards!
  • And several Art How-To blogs!
  • And much, much more...!

Can’t wait to see you in game!

We're also hosting a Reddit AMA today from 4:30-5:30PM PT on /r/Neverwinter about Neverwinter: The Maze Engine! (What time is this for you?). Start asking your questions here!

Scott Shicoff

Lead Designer

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