Deeper Customization
We’re bringing you even more ways to give your Homestead that unique flair with the ability to change your Homestead’s base look, paint various textures on your terrains, and stretch that green thumb with a whole selection of flora to choose from. With new brushes and a mass select tool, you can now make fast, sweeping changes on the fly. Take a look at some of the upgrades we’ve made to the Homestead system!
Homestead Skins
Ever get tired of the same default look? Well, now you can dress up your home with three new skins to choose from! From the arid desert sands to the sandy beaches of paradise, you’ll now be able to change up the overall base environment of your Homestead.
Fallen Leaves, Cobblestone Roads, and Shifting Sands, Oh My!
Bring civilization to your home with cobblestone roads or turn your home into a lovely wintery wonderland with new terrain textures! You can have up to five different textures at the same time, and the best part is that when you’re tired of one or all of them, simply select a new texture that you own to add to the pallet and it’ll automatically update all area’s you’ve painted with the new texture! We’ve also added two new brush shapes to help you better customize, a heart shaped brush and a star shaped brush.
Green Thumb
No longer will you have to painstaking place every single plant down! Flowers are blooming – acquire special grasses for your Homestead. After you learn a flora, it’s yours permanently to use as much as you’d like.
Building a Lover’s Nest
Ever wanted to have your significant other help you build your home? Well now you can with new Spousal permissions! As a spouse of a Homestead owner, you now can select a Homestead mode to operate in. Manage allows you to work on a home together with your spouse while Normal mode allows you to come into the Homestead as a regular visitor by default.
Show Me Your House!
Think you have the best house? Want to show off that really annoying maze you’d made? You can now submit your Homesteads to be visited and viewed by others in our new Homestead Rankings!
We hope you enjoyed this brief peek into the Homestead upgrades debuting in the PWI : Primal Warfare content update! Tune in next time for more Primal Warfare features!