Neverwinter Xbox: Fell Dragon Lockbox
As you continue your campaign to defeat the Cult of the Dragon and the powerful Dragons aiding them, be on the lookout for the new Fell Dragon Lockbox.
By Andy (StrumSlinger) April 28, 2015 10:56 AM

In Neverwinter, you never know what awaits around the corner. As you continue your campaign to defeat the Cult of the Dragon and the powerful Dragons aiding them, be on the lookout for the new Fell Dragon Lockbox featuring a brand new Legendary mount and many items to aid you in your quest. Open Fell Dragon lockboxes now and you can be rewarded with the newest treasures to better prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead in Neverwinter.

Don't forget that each lockbox requires its own Enchanted Key before you can reveal what's inside. You can find Enchanted Keys in the Zen Market.

Enchanted Keys

If you haven't opened a Lockbox in the past, open up a Fell Dragon Lockbox and see what rewards you can receive:

Skeleton Steed –  Coming from the lords of the Nine Hells, the newest legendary mount to appear in Neverwinter was created by Belial. This terrifying undead steed never has to rest and will always be ready to take you into battle against the most ferocious enemies.

Black Assassin Drake– Assassin Drakes are sneaky vicious predators. They are extremely loyal if they are trained from when they are created. As a purple quality companion, the Assassin Drake has a max rank of 30 and has initial power points in Power, Critical Strike and Amor Penetration.

Belial’s Portal Stone Artifact – This powerful new artifact opens up a small portal to the streets of Abriymoch in the Fourth Layer of Hell. The portal causes enemies to go into a frenzy and makes them attack the portal instead of you. After a few seconds, the portal stone will explode causing massive damage to the surrounding enemies.

Dragonborn Raider - This female dragonborn companion is a brand new item added to the Dragon Scale Merchant. Players can collect Dragon Scales and trade it in for this brand new companion! 

Tyrant’s Artifact Provisions Pack – Refining stones are a key component used to upgrade Artifacts during the Refinement process. With this pack you’ll get a Greater Refining Stone, Refining Stone and Lesser Refining Stone, and one of the following: Water of Elah’zad (Artifact), Aurora’s Whhole Realms Catalogue (Artifact), Lantern of Revelation (Artifact), Girdle of Strength (Artifact Gear), Plated Band of Constitution (Artifact Gear), Twined Rope of Dexterity (Artifact Gear), Owlbear Leather Belt of Intelligence (Artifact Gear), Belt of Wisdom (Artifact Gear), Sash of Charisma (Artifact Gear), and Lesser Refining Stone.

Draconic Strongbox of Enchantments  Players will have a chance to earn a permanent Draconic enchantments along with other enchants featured in previous lockboxes. This pack contains one of the following: Greater mark of Potency, 1 or 2 Mark of Potency and one of the following: Brilliant Diamond, Blood Ruby, Lesser Indomitable Runestone, Lesser Tenebrous Enchantment, Lesser Plague Fire Enchantment, Rank 7 Enchantment, Rank 7 Draconic Enchantment, Flawless Sapphire, 1 or 2 Rank 5 or 6 Enchantments.

Companion Fortification Kit – Items from the companion kit can be used to strengthen your companion’s effectiveness in battle. Notably, you will have a chance to gain a companion upgrade token which can help you upgrade your companion to Max level 30. This pack contains one of the following: Companion Upgrade Token, Lesser Bonding Runestone, Eldritch Runestone, 3 Rare Runestones, and a Tome of Companion Experience.

Profession Special Pack – This pack contains useful profession items to aid you with your profession tasks. Contains people, tools and resources used in full 20 rank Professions:

1 Epic, Rare, Uncommon profession asset.

1 Rare Profession item.

1 Epic, Rare or Uncommon Profession item.  

Silvery Dragon Scale – While not an actual dragon scale, these faux scales are indeed made of real silver and can be traded into the Dragon Scale Merchant for valuable goods. Players can collect this new item and trade it in for special items such as the Pseudodragon companion, Red Dragon Ioun Stone, along with a Rank 5 Draconic Enchantment, Fang of Bahamut, special Dragonscale dye packs and much more! Head in-game and search for the merchant in the Hall of Justice.

Draconic Enchantment, Rank 4 – Offense Slot: +50 Armor Penetration, +28 Power, +28 Recovery Defense Slot: +200 Maximum Hit Points, +28 Defense, +28 Life Steal.

Trade Bar Jackpot – Get yourself a greater chance to obtain Tarmalune Trade Bars in large numbers!  

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