Dev Blog: Paragon Paths Discussions Part 2
By DwightMC January 06, 2014 09:34 AM

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Paragon Paths:  Control Wizard, Great Weapon Fighter, and Guardian Fighter – Dev Blog by Grant Allen, Combat Designer

Hello again!

So, a quick recap from our previous Paragon Paths Dev Blog of what new Paragon Paths mean for Neverwinter! Paragon Paths are a set of options chosen to help define your character. Ultimately it’s up to each player as to how heavily they wish to make use of their Paragon Powers to customize their gameplay and combat styles. With that said, onward to more info about the new Paragon Paths for the Control Wizard, Great Weapon Fighter, and Guardian Fighter classes.

The Control Wizard’s new path, Master of Flame, adds a new element – Fire – to the class’ spell repertoire, much as the Spellstorm Mage Paragon Path added Lightning. To help with the burning theme, this new path features a special damage over time effect called Smolder, which is added by most of the path’s powers. Smolder deals additional damage based on your Arcane stacks, and when exposed to Chill, becomes Rimefire. Rimefire is a cold-based flame, and its duration can be extended by additional Chill effects. This interaction was included largely to help make using Ice- and Fire-style powers feel more natural when used together. Theme-wise, Fanning the Flames pushes the Fire Mastery angle further by setting a target ablaze and then automatically directing flames from nearby Smoldering targets to the Fanning the Flames target.

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Since both Great Weapon Fighters and Guardian Fighters are melee combatants, it was decided that they should each share the others Paragon Path. This crossover results in a slightly tankier, even more controlling Great Weapon Fighter. Great Weapon Fighters walking the path of the Iron Vanguard will now gain access to the powerful Frontline Surge Encounter power, which acts as a ranged area effect knockdown. They also gain access to Threatening Rush, which adds a much easier source of Mark than Daring Shout or Indomitable Battle Strike.

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Guardian Fighters who choose the Swordmaster path are seeking ways to deal more damage, which can be very beneficial to solo players. Weapon Master’s Strike is the Swordmaster At-Will power and while it hits a wide area, its primary function is to increase the damage dealt by your other equipped At-Will power. Cleave and Weapon Master’s Strike pair quite well together. The Steel Blitz class feature deals additional damage to targets with an increased chance to proc based on the number of targets you are striking.

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Moving forward, the topic of adding even more Paragon Paths is under discussion, as opposed to the potential for developing more transformational character advancements. Paragon Paths are great in that they offer a new bundle of options for a class, but since they are optional, it makes them considerably harder to build a cohesive theme around. We’ll see!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this brief overview, and will see you in Module 2: Shadowmantle!

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