With all the power of magic at their command, wizards are an unstoppable force in the world of Neverwinter, with the power to freeze enemies solid or even stop time. Bend the nature of reality to your will with the Control Wizard!
While some species are born with a few spells, Control Wizards learn their magic through careful study. Long-lived races like elves may spend an entire century studying magic before their first adventure. The most powerful wizards, including the mighty Elminster, often have decades of experience and spells to draw on.
The past century saw many wizards in the Forgotten Realms rendered powerless. The Spellplague was an intense magical disruption: Not only did it ravage the world, it also made spellcasting chaotic and unpredictable. With the ascension of a new incarnation of Mystra, the goddess of magic, though, it is a new age for wizards across Faerûn, especially in adventure-rich cities like Neverwinter.
In battle, the Control Wizard dictates the terms of engagement. With a word, you can lock down an enemy with a freezing ray, or unleash a powerful burst to slow or repel waves of enemies. Certainly a Devoted Cleric can keep your party standing, the Guardian Fighter can go toe-to-toe with a dragon, and the Trickster Rogue can make sure that dragon dies – but the Control Wizard has the power to keep that dragon from ever reaching combat.
Control Wizards are so knowledgeable that they can slot an additional, fourth Encounter power, representing their Spell Mastery. Whichever spell they have mastered gets bonus effects: Slow Time, for example, grants allies a speed and attack boost, in addition to its normal effect of stunning enemies. The slotted spell can be changed when out of combat, as with all powers, so you’ll be able to pick the best spell for the next fight.
With so many spells available, the Control Wizard is designed for the careful strategist, going into battle with the perfect array of spells to lock down and decimate enemies. Choose your feats and your powers carefully, adventurer, and prepare to unleash the titanic power of mastered magic – the challenges of Neverwinter await!