It's been a huge weekend for Neverwinter, with the first of our Beta Weekends and the official announcement of the Devoted Cleric. Check out some highlights of the press coverage!
Total Biscuit and the Cynical Brit team had a run through the Cloak Tower, one of the early dungeons that heroes will be able to adventure in. They're joined by Lead Designer Zeke Sparkes, and they talked about everything from the lore to how differently each class plays.
Want to see it all? Bill Murphy of starts with a just-made character and doesn't stop for two hours. Bill also had an in-depth review on playing as the Devoted Cleric, calling it "the most fun I've had being a healer ever." Check out the gameplay video and read his Devoted Cleric review.
It looks like Massively was impressed by Neverwinter's expansive character creation setup. They've made, not one, but six videos -- half an hour of footage -- showcasing all the options for bringing your hero to life!
We're humbled and grateful that you've all enjoyed the beta weekend so far, heroes, and more than a little excited for the next two beta weekends. This beta weekend continues until midnight tonight (Pacific); if you haven't already gotten in-game, visit our Founder's Pack page to get your guaranteed access to all three beta weekends!