This Weekend in Neverwinter!
Lord Neverember is granting adventurers help in completing the Icewind Dale Campaign!
By Julia (nitocris83) November 15, 2018 07:00 AM

Lord Neverember is granting adventurers help in completing the Icewind Dale Campaign! This weekend, players will get double Icewind Dale Campaign currencies!

If you’re looking to increase Influence donations to your Stronghold coffers, this weekend any source that would typically reward Influence will give double the amount!* In addition, adventurers looking for additional inventory space will enjoy of a 20% bag sale!

Double Events and Sale start Thursday, November 15 at 7:30am PT (or after maintenance)

Double Events and Sale end Monday, November 19 at 7:30am PT

There are several ways to take advantage of the 2x IWD currency:

  • Daily quests in Caer-Konig, Icewind Pass, and Dwarven Valley
  • Weekly quests in Caer-Konig, Icewind Pass, and Dwarven Valley
  • Icewind Dale Campaign Tasks
  • Turning in Genie’s Gifts for Icewind Dale currency in Caer-Konig


*Note: The Stronghold Siege event does not award 2x Influence