Note: These changes are now finalized and live as of February 15, 2022.
As of February 15, 2022, Star Trek Online and Neverwinter will no longer be supporting Windows 7 and Direct3D Feature Level 10. This decision was made in order to improve game performance, optimize the player experience, and facilitate future development. In order to make this transition as smooth as possible, we have put together some detailed information.
What Operating System should I be upgrading to?
After February 15, Windows 8 or 10 (64-bit) will be required. For the best play experience, we recommend Windows 10.
What will be the updated graphics requirements?
To play Star Trek Online and Neverwinter after February 15, 2022 you will need a video card that supports Direct3D Feature Level 11.0 or better. This includes:
• NVidia GeForce GTX 400 or better
• ATI/AMD Radeon HD 5000 or better
• Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better
Above all, take a close look at the Video Card manufacturer’s documentation for any card you are going to purchase, and ensure that the card specifically says it supports Direct3D Hardware Feature Level 11 or higher.
What happens if I don’t upgrade by February 15?
Starting in November 2021, if you are running on Windows 7 or using a Video Card with a Direct3D Feature Level 10, you will be informed of the upcoming incompatibility via the launcher.
As of February 15, 2022, STO and NW will no longer be supporting Windows 7 or a Video Card with a Direct3D Feature Level less than 11. Players who do not meet the updated requirements will get a pop-up over the launcher indicating this and the launcher will close automatically when clicking OK. It will not be possible to log in or patch without upgrading.
Please post in the respective game forum thread to let us know if you have further questions. We will update this post with any additional notices or clarifications as needed.