Shout-out to the dedicated guilds of Neverwinter! (PC)
Here is a list of the most dedicated guilds of Neverwinter!
By Percemer July 03, 2023 07:00 AM

Greetings Adventurers!

As part of the 10-year anniversary celebrations, Lord Neverember wanted to give a shout-out to the active guilds of Neverwinter, especially to their guild leaders for uniting a community around values and goals. In this blog, we’ll share a few short presentations of the most dedicated guilds in Neverwinter. Thank you again for all your dedication and loyalty to our great city, and we wish you all the best for your guild!



  • Language: Mostly English (Variable)
  • Current membership: 121 accounts, 366 characters
  • Created Date: 8/14/2013
  • Short description: Welcome to Valhalla, a guild made back in the era of 2013! This guild holds a lot of experience and is looking for like minds! Some things that may be appealing: we have a full alliance, we never have drama, we run content daily, and we hold contests with our alliance. *Friendly *Drama Free *Helpful *Insightful *Knowledgeable


NWLC Alpha

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 77 accounts, 307 characters
  • Created Date: 07/13/2015
  • Short description: The NWLC Alpha guild is owned & operated by the NW_Legit_Community (NWLC), which is the first & largest exploit-free /LFG community within Neverwinter with over 7,500 members. The NWLC operates four guilds & four alliances (for guilds of all sizes), with membership in the guilds only accessible to current members of the Community.


Chronic Legion

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 130 accounts, 330 characters
  • Created Date: 05/28/2013
  • Short description: Originally founded by a group of mercenaries and herbalists, Chronic Legion has grown to become one of the longest standing guilds across the lands. Our doors are open to all who wish to join us, we have no requirements and do not discriminate. We’re a community dedicated to supporting each other, challenging each other, and adventuring together as far as the eye can see!


Order of Knights Radiant

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 83 accounts, 208 characters
  • Created Date: 11/24/2013
  • Short description: Our guild is casual, and family friendly. We try to make sure players enjoy the game in a pleasant environment. We ask for proper behavior, and no swearing in game or Discord. We like to help with content, dungeons, and host alliance events. All level of players are welcome.


The Twilight Reign, Twilight Shadows, Twilight Camorra, Twilight Monkeys, Twilight Guardians, Twilight Knights, Twilight Vox and Twilight Inferno.

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 979 accounts, 1124 characters
  • Created Date: 09/31/2019
  • Short description: We put the people first, we are always there for each other even with info, we are proudly drama free, we organize many Alliance events, informative or for farming or just for fun like in “Cutty’s Lost her Mojo”, teams running around in funny outfits dancing in crowded maps and much else just to pull everyone together.


Multiverse Neverwinter BR

  • Language: Portuguese, Brazil
  • Current membership: 13 accounts, 21 characters
  • Created Date: 02/23/2022
  • Short description: We hope that our guild will expand and welcome more players. We would like to be a 100% Elven guild with flags and furniture dedicated to the Emerald Enclave!


Ashes of Anka

  • Language: Turkish
  • Current membership: 147 accounts, 305 characters
  • Created Date: 05/07/2021
  • Short description: What makes us best is our passion for Neverwinter. We unleash this passion by helping players and creating endgame content. As we predicted, our number has reached perhaps one of the most crowded guilds globally.


Loving Life

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 132 accounts, 243 characters
  • Created Date: in the before times, when the grass was greener and the skies were cleaner (I really dont know ;-D)
  • Short description: Welcome to Loving Life! A unique discord-free guild thriving in the twenty twenties. Our community exists within the game, and our members love and support us for it. Join us for exciting adventures, boss screams, and the mystery of disappearing cookies. #LovingLifeThisIsTheWay


The Hawks

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 140-150 accounts, 342 characters
  • Created Date: 07/22/2020
  • Short description: The Hawks is a guild for players that are different than the majority and don't feel comfortable in other guilds. Our guild is for people that don't want to follow the herd. They can all find shelter here. Here we are free, like a hawk in the sky, to play the way we want.


Cult of Mattachine

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 144 acounts, 300 characters
  • Created Date: 02/16/2014
  • Short description: Cult of Mattachine is a casual, friendly Guild for LGBTIQAS+ folks and their allies. We host weekly Stronghold events and run all kinds of PvE content. Our leaders are proud members of the LGBTIQAS+ community and work hard to make sure everyone has fun in Neverwinter!


Stalwart Adventurers Inc.

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 13 accounts, 48 characters
  • Created Date: Open Beta. Don't know the exact date, but believe it was 4 days after guilds were first introduced.
  • Short description: Created ~4 days after guilds were introduced (Open Beta), making us one of (if not the) oldest, continuously active guilds in the game's history. I'm quite proud of that, even if we are also one of (if not the) smallest guilds in game (currently 2 active players).


Angels and Dragons

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 86 accounts, 179 characters
  • Created Date: 02/03/2019
  • Short description: Yin-yang, opposite but interconnected forces. Angels and Dragons is that and so much more, a family of opposites and oddities that play off each other. More powerful for it, and closer in bond because of it. Helping each other, laughing along the way!



  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 147 accounts, 377 characters
  • Created Date: 11/16/2014
  • Short description: No useless rules, just be nice to everyone! Feels like home, for nice people. Freedom, play your own way. All play and work together. Stability, same leadership from start to now. We want everyone to feel WANTED!


Saints of Hope

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 110 accounts, 322 characters
  • Created Date: 01/24/2014
  • Short description: Saints of Hope is a fun friendly place for players of all ages and abilities! We have a non-elitist attitude and are happy to help newer and lower ilvl players become the best they can be! We have regular guild events, such as donation farming with prizes, or guild hunt farming when the Redeemed Citadel was new. We also have possibly one of the best decorated guild halls, if I did decorate it myself :D


Order of the White Star

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 133 accounts, 272 characters
  • Created Date: 10/06/2013
  • Short description: We got a wide range of players, from occasional casuals to a few who join end-game trials. Apart from that, you can meet us in many different games, so keep your eyes open for the White Stars. Join us for adventures, if you want to experience the Order of the White Star.


Neverwinter SOLO Alliance

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 132 accounts, 378 characters
  • Created Date: 2015
  • Short description: We are a lvl 20, casual, international guild of mature like-minded players. We make the benefits of a guild available to people that prefer to play alone, because of social anxiety, shyness or other reasons. Members won't have to take part in social activities unless they want to.


Mystical Forces

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 147 accounts, 407 characters
  • Created Date: 04/11/2014
  • Short description: Some of the things that make us a great guild are that we have players from all areas of the globe, all walks of life. We are non-judgemental and welcome all players even though we are an endgame guild. We aren't grandstanders and our players exhibit quality gameplay with a certain sense of grace, dignity and humility. We don't micro-manage or assign jobs to people or demand that people do anything other than play the way they want to enjoy the game. Our players take breaks sometimes and have a nice place to play when they come back. Realizing that everyone is a human being behind the keyboard is something we are always mindful of and strive to brighten up peoples day and lives. We truly believe that you can accomplish anything in the game and do so with a sense of fairness and fun.


Often Dead

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 8 accounts, 25 characters
  • Created Date: 11/10/2021
  • Short description: There are only 3 of us who play daily & have managed to get our guild to level 7 on our own! What makes our guild amazing is we understand RL is just as important as Game Life!  When we do play, we are often dead, our laughter is always to be heard, we keep coming back to continue the good fight! Dungeons, instances and mobs can’t keep us down!



Rotating Chaos

  • Language: English
  • Current membership: 115 accounts, 216 characters
  • Created Date: 05/16/2015
  • Short description: People and their love for Neverwinter make this guild & alliance great. Many here have been playing for quite some time and are always quick to offer advice to the new or returning player. Our guilds in the alliance too are so very helpful to assist each other's guild's growth. One of the guilds "The Academy" runs a stronghold heroics daily, it is really impressive to see. Rotating Chaos is evolving steadily.



Fool's Brigade

  • Language: English, but welcome anyone of any language.
  • Current membership: 149 accounts, 357 characters
  • Created Date: 06/01/2016
  • Short description: Our guild is friendly and extremely helpful. We have players from all aspects of the game. We have PvPers, End Gamers, RPers, Crafters, and just social butterflies. We place no requirements on any of our players except to have fun and be nice. We are a maxed-out level 20 guild in a maxed-out 260 alliance. There are people on at all times to help others.



  • Language: Portuguese - Brazil
  • Current membership: 143 characters
  • Created Date: 2013
  • Short description: Currently, Legend's is a lvl 20 guild, focused on the end-game and has about 25+ active players in the guild, and we are inside one of the strongest and most active alliances in the game with players from all over the world! We are always recruiting. We are equipped with all the classes and paragons present in the game, which can help build or improve new player characters to the maximum! In addition to performing all dungeons available in the game daily, we can enjoy various benefits that a rank 20 guild has, such as buying food and overload.


Brazilian Empire

  • Language: Portuguese
  • Current membership: 95 accounts, 182 characters
  • Created Date: 04/15/2016
  • Short description: Fazer parte dessa grande história e ter seu lugar em Neverwinter, esse é o sentimento de todo membro que pertence a nossa guilda. Queremos todos os dias inspirar e realçar as virtudes de todos os que aceitam fazer parte deste forte laço de amizade que nos mantém unidos.


Zona Friki V Región

  • Language: Spanish
  • Current membership: For now, None, because I haven't founded the guild yet.
  • Created Date: it will be in August 2023.
  • Short description: The truth is that the Guild would be very big in the future, because it will be the first to be Chilean, and to be one of the most geeky, at the same time for the love of retro video games, board games, anime and everything related with that world and it will be inclusive, we will accept people who have Condition, and if, as I will be the founder, I have Condition (Tea and Adhd).


Thank you for celebrating 10 years of Neverwinter with us!