Dev Blog
The Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass!
The Demonweb Pits brings with it a brand new Battle Pass! Find out all the details here.
By Ambassador Kael July 14, 2023 09:00 AM

Hey there, everyone! This is Terramak, here to tell you what to expect from the Battle Pass coming out with our newest module, Demonweb Pits. The Battle Pass is named Chaos Between Realms.

Overall, this Battle Pass works a lot like the ones you may have experienced with Northdark Divided and Menzoberranzan. You can gain 4,000 Battle Pass XP over the course of each campaign, with a reward at every increment of 1,000 Battle Pass XP. Once again, the Premium Reward Track is available, unlocking a second set of rewards at those increments across the entire Battle Pass for 2500 Zen.

As usual, players are eligible to gain Battle Pass XP from each of these activities once per day, and that eligibility accumulates for up to three days. More details below!


Campaign Details

Campaign 1: A Ritual Subverted

Start: 7:30 AM Pacific time on July 18, 2023
End: 7:30 AM Pacific time on August 22, 2023

Note: Players who purchased the Premium Track may gain progress through November 7, 2023.


  • Random Skirmish / Trial Queue: 115 Battle Pass XP
  • Random Dungeon / Advanced Dungeon Queue: 135 Battle Pass XP
  • Complete an Abyssal Hunt: 75 Battle Pass XP


Battle Pass XP

Free Track

Premium Track


20x Reward Reroll Token

10x Shard of Greater Empowerment


Astral Lockbox

4x Lockbox Key


2x Lockbox Key

Demonweb Vanity Pet Choice Pack


Coalescent Mote

Companion: Gromph Baenre - Account


Campaign 2: Engine of Change

Start: 7:30 AM Pacific time on August 22, 2023
End: 7:30 AM Pacific time on September 26, 2023

Note: Players who purchased the Premium Track may gain progress through November 7, 2023.


  • Random Skirmish / Trial Queue: 115 Battle Pass XP
  • Random Dungeon / Advanced Dungeon Queue: 135 Battle Pass XP
  • Complete a quest new to Demonweb Pits: 75 Battle Pass XP


Battle Pass XP

Free Track

Premium Track


15x Mount Upgrade Token

15x Companion Upgrade Token

2x Astral Lockbox


2x Lockbox Key

Coalescent Mote


Bag of Holding (72)

Epic Collar Choice Pack


Astral Lockbox

Demonweb Mount Choice Pack


Campaign 3: Preserving the Plane

Start: 7:30 AM Pacific time on September 26, 2023
End: 7:30 AM Pacific time on October 31, 2023

Note: Players who purchased the Premium Track may gain progress through November 7, 2023.


  • Random Skirmish / Trial Queue: 115 Battle Pass XP
  • Random Dungeon / Advanced Dungeon Queue: 135 Battle Pass XP
  • Complete a Major Heroic Encounter in the new zone: 75 Battle Pass XP


Battle Pass XP

Free Track

Premium Track


5x Scroll of Mass Life

15x Mount Upgrade Token

15x Companion Upgrade Token


Greater Stone of Health (200)

Demonweb Companion Choice Pack


Astral Lockbox

4x Lockbox Key


5x Shard of Greater Empowerment

Coalescent Mote


After the Battle Pass

Once the Preserving the Plane campaign ends, players will be able to buy a pack that unlocks the Premium Track and automatically completes progress in all Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass campaigns. This purchase will be available until the start of the next module. 


Reward Information

Companion: Gromph Baenre

Gromph Baenre is a companion new to this Battle Pass. While he’s primarily an antagonist for the story of Demonweb Pits, his allegiances are fickle and entirely self-serving. In other words: If you provide him a good enough reason, he’ll deign to join you for a time.

When his allegiance is gained through the Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass, Gromph Baenre starts at Epic quality.


Gromph Baenre’s Combat style

Gromph is a powerful archmage, which may lure enemies into thinking that they only need to prepare for spells. His axe will correct their presuppositions. His primary gameplay purpose is as an active companion with high AoE DPS potential, especially in melee combat.

Primary Attack: Swing
Cooldown: 3 seconds – Range: 20 units – Arc: 360°
Gromph attacks nearby enemies with a wide arc from his axe.

Secondary Attack: Hacking Frenzy
Cooldown: 4 seconds – Range: 15 units – Arc: 270°
Gromph delivers a flurry of powerful attacks in a wide arc.

Special Attack: Summon Barlgura
Cooldown: 20 seconds – Range: 32* units – Arc: 35°
Gromph summons a barlgura, who unleashes its rage upon your enemies and returns whence it came.
* The barlgura spawns 8 units behind Gromph, and casts a cone attack with a range of 40 units before fading.


Gromph Baenre’s Companion Powers

Enhancement: Potent Precision
This standard enhancement boosts Critical Severity by 3.75% - 7.5% while your companion is active. The value depends on Gromph Baenre’s quality.

Offense Power: Gromph’s Confidence
This slottable power grants 375 – 750 Itme Level, 3.75% - 7.5% Critical Strike, and 375 – 750 Combined Rating. The value depends on Gromph Baenre’s quality.

Note: As always, any of the above values are subject to change based on feedback and gameplay feel.


Demonweb Vanity Pet Choice Pack

This pack contains the player’s choice of one of the following vanity pets:

  • Goristro Simulacrum - Originally earnable via Runic Encounters in the Undermountain module.
  • Mini Daemon - Originally earnable through Rage of Bel content in the Infernal Descent module.
  • Ravenous Abyssal Chick - Originally earnable through the Precipice of War Battle Pass, in the campaign A City of Intrigue.
  • Spike, the Barlgura - Originally earnable from Protector's Jubilee year 7
  • 10 Gold - For players who are not interested in any of these vanity pets.


Demonweb Mount Choice Pack

This pack contains the player’s choice of one of the following mounts:

  • Barlgura - Originally from the Descent Lockbox. Also in Juma’s Bags.
  • Hound of the Forge - Originally earnable through Rage of Bel content.
  • Suratuk’s Blue Spider - Never before seen! Note that this is distinct from Suratuk's Blue Tarantula, which also appears as "Suratuk's Blue Poisonous Looking Spider" in some cases.
  • Demon Sled - Originally earnable from the Winter Festival event.
  • 150 Mount Upgrade Tokens - For players who may not be interested in these mounts, or have all the ones they’re interested in.


Demonweb Companion Choice Pack

This pack contains the player’s choice of one of the following companions:

  • Abyssal Chicken - Available from premium dungeon rewards and Juma’s Bags.
  • Dark Dealer - Purchasable from the Zen Market.
  • Quasit – Previously available via the Zen Market. Available in Infernal Descent content and Juma’s Bags.
  • Tomb Spider - Available from premium dungeon rewards and Juma’s Bags.
  • 150 Companion Upgrade Tokens - For players who may not be interested in these companions, or have all the ones they’re interested in.


New to this Battle Pass: Completion Achievement & Title

With the Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass, we’re introducing an experimental new reward: Upon receiving 4000 Battle Pass XP in each of the Battle Pass campaigns, the account will be eligible for an in-game achievement: Protector of the Plane. On future logins or map transfers, they will receive the achievement on any character who doesn’t already have it, and be eligible to claim a title of the same name from the Reward Claims Agent.

As this is a time-limited achievement, it grants 0 achievement points, and should not appear in the Achievements list if the Battle Pass is not running, or if the character is below level 20.



This battle pass has the standard suite of purchases:

Chaos Between Realms Premium Pass
2500 ZEN
Unlocks the ability to earn Premium Track rewards in all campaigns of the Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass.

Campaign Completion
1000 ZEN
Raises your progress in the current Battle Pass campaign to 4000, allowing you to claim all rewards immediately.

Premium Pass & Completion
5500 ZEN
Only available between the end of the Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass and the start of the next module. Unlocks Premium Track rewards and automatically raises progress to 4000 in each of this Battle Pass’ campaigns.

Price is reduced based on:

  • Whether the account has already purchased the Premium Pass.
  • How much progress the account has made in each of the Battle Pass campaigns



These are the main details of the Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass! If you’re interested in the process of making this Battle Pass, check out the Dev Blog: A First-Timer’s Journey Making a Battle Pass.

How do you feel about the rewards? Anything you’d like to see that isn’t listed here? How about the stuff you’re absolutely sick of seeing? Are there any activities you’d like to see represented here, or would like to see go away? Let us know in the forums!

Thank you for reading, and thank you for playing Neverwinter! We’re always glad to see you in-game.


Vincent “Terramak” Malley (they/them or he/him)
Product Manager - Cryptic Studios