Preview: New Bosses and Encounters
By DwightMC May 05, 2014 10:00 AM

As with every update, Module 3: Curse of Icewind Dale will introduce an array of enemies to battle presenting new challenges for adventurers. The creatures of Icewind Dale have been corrupted by Black Ice making them that much more dangerous. To help adventurers through the tough new encounters, here’s a sneak peek at a few of the challenging battles they will face.

Barbarian Shaman

The shamans of the Reghed Barbarian Bear Tribe use the corrupt power of Black Ice to enhance their channeling of primal magic, making them a terrible adversary in battle.


- Wrath of Winter: Ranged Attack.

- Summon Spirit Companion: Summons a bear spirit. Can be killed itself or fades away when its shaman is slain.

- Blessing of the Iron Tree: Makes all nearby friends immune to damage and control while buffing the shaman's.

Dwarf Caster:

Some of the long-lived dwarves of the black ice corrupted Battlehammer clan have spent their time mastering the secrets of arcane magic, wielding destructive elemental power.


- Magic Missile: Ranged Attack.

- Stand Your Ground: Gives allies increased control resistance.

- Meteor Swarm: Rains meteors on players over time.


The Remorhaz are massive creatures resembling giant centipedes with armored segments. They use the intense heat generated by their bodies to burrow through snow and ambush their prey.


- Bite: Chomps on a player.

- Immolating Carapace: Emits a heat wave around itself.

- Caustic Bile: Spits a glob of burning Bile.

- Enraged Heat: Sprays streams of burning bile across the battlefield.

Ice Troll Bloodchanter:

The bloodchanters are primal spellcasters found amongst the most savage of trolls, focusing the primal rage of their kind into devastating magical abilities.


- Hex: Flings a hex at a target that explodes, hitting all targets close to the explosion.

- Quickened Blood: Throws his blood totem to the ground at a target. The totem leaves an enchantment that heals trolls in its range.

- Chant of Exsanguination: Focuses on a single target, slowly bleeding that target. The longer the chant lasts, the faster the target    bleeds out.  

Yeti Rampager

The fierce tundra yetis can be found across the snow-covered areas of Icewind Pass, attacking unwary travelers who stray too far from civilized lands.


- Claw: Melee Attack.

- Fearsome Howl: Howls forward causing enemies to cower in fear.

- Trample: Charges forward knocking foes aside.


Akar Kessell

Akar Kessell has returned and has fortified himself in a location high within Kelvin's Cairn, the mountain peak that overlooks all of Icewind Dale. Defeating him in this new “Epic Skirmish” will be challenging.


- Corrupted Missiles: Kessell throws Black Ice Corrupted Magic Missiles at any enemies in front of him.

- Black Ice Orbs: Kessell pushes three slow moving orbs of Black Ice corruption that damage and daze   targets they pass through.

- Black Ice Crystal Burst: Kessell summons a shard of Black Ice that bursts into several Black Ice Orbs.    

- Summon Black Ice Golem: Kessell summons forth Black Ice Golems. These golems are hastily created and unstable enough to the  point that if they explode the Black Ice Energy.

- Enslaved Beholders: Using the power of Black Ice, Kessell has enslaved Beholders who came to the surface to claim the power of the  Black Ice. Kessell's hold on these beholders is not perfect and if they lose enough of their Black Ice shackles they may turn on their  former master before the Black Ice corruption finally kills them.

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