Winners of the M3 Screenshot Contest
By DwightMC June 10, 2014 11:30 AM

Over the past week we received so many great screenshots from the community and after much deliberation we’re happy to announce the winners of the Module 3 Screenshot Contest! Many thanks to everyone who entered, it was a tough decision, but without further ado here are the winners:

3rd Place and Winner of a Neverwinter Starter Pack

Nuudlz – this is a really great screenshot of the entrance to Icewind Pass. With better positioning this could have taken the top prize. Still it deserves to be recognized as one of the best submissions!

2nd Place and winner of a Feywild Starter Pack

Lifesimages – Another great screenshot, perfect position, even though it looks like you’re running away from the wolves I’m sure its just to get in a better position to jump back into the fight. Great job!

1st Place and Winner of a Hunter Ranger Booster Pack

Jacethewiz – What an amazing screenshot of the final battle with the beholder in the new Artifact quest. The action is clearly captured and everything is framed perfectly, couldn’t have asked for more from a screenshot.  As part of your Grand Prize we have turned this screenshot into an Official Wallpaper! Head to our media page to check it out! Congrats!

We hope everyone enjoyed the contest, feel free to head to the fourms to check out all the entries and be sure to check back with us for more screenshot contests! Thanks again to all those who entered the contest and congrats to the winners!

*Note: Winners will be contacted within 48 hours so they can claim their prize.

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