Xbox One Intro to PvP
Some of the most dangerous foes are the very players you’ll be adventuring with. Enter PvP, where your skills are truly tested.
By Andy March 13, 2015 10:50 AM

In the world of Neverwinter, liches, orcs and dragons aren’t the only enemies you’ll face. Some of the most dangerous foes are the very players you’ll be adventuring with. Enter PvP, where your skills are truly tested against the minds of your allies, rivals or wayward stranger.

As stated in our spotlight on gear, there is a special type of gear that is used solely for PvP. You can purchase this gear from the Trade of Blades in the main town of Neverwinter by using Glory, which can be obtained by completing a round of Domination. You’ll know what PvP gear is by the appearance of the Tenacity stat, which is the general resistance against other players.

Domination is accessed through the queue interface and is separated by level, ensuring a Level 20 doesn’t go against a Level 60. There are two teams of five that fight to capture three different points in the map – the blue pillar in the picture above is one of these points. The longer your team has control over each point, the more points you’ll receive. The first team to reach 1000 points wins the Domination match.

Companions cannot be summoned in Domination, which means Companion Active Bonuses also don’t have any effect. In addition, leaving Domination before the match is over will result in the player being penalized, forbidding them from using any queue for 30 minutes.

Being strategic and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each class is vital to your success in Domination!

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Neverwinter for Xbox One will be available on March 31st. Check out the official page here.