Neverwinter: New Crab Companion!
Making its appearance with the launch of Strongholds, we thought it fitting to introduce our newest companion, the Crab Companion!
By Andy (StrumSlinger) August 11, 2015 10:00 AM

With the Crushing Wave Lockbox making its appearance with the launch of Strongholds, we thought it fitting to introduce our newest companion, the Crab! Similar to those found in the Drowned Shore, this crustacean will find anything and anyone to shred with its claws. With the Coastal Flail Snail and the Crab companion, you’ll soon find yourself wishing you were under the sea.

This ornery crustacean follows you around and a more loyal and friendly companion cannot be found in the land. His razor sharp pincers can shred even the most well armored foes, and his frenzied snipping will drive back even the staunchest of foes.

The Crab is of purple quality who has initial stats in Hit Points, Power, Critical Strike and Armor Penetration. Its Active Bonus is a 10% chance on dealing damage to root the target for 3 seconds. This root cannot activate more than once every 30 seconds.

So get better, down where it’s wetter with the Crab Companion!