Dev Stream: Play Strongholds PvP with the Devs!
We're hosting a "Play with the Devs" event tomorrow 9/10 from 5:30-6:30PM PDT and will be live streaming it, as well!
By Andy (StrumSlinger) September 09, 2015 04:29 PM

Well met, adventurers! Strongholds Siege PvP is launching next week on September 15, which means we need to celebrate. We're hosting a "Play with the Devs" event tomorrow 9/10 from 5:30-6:30PM PDT and will be live streaming it, as well! We'll be on the Preview Shard and encourage all adventurers to join us and show us the lay of the land - and perhaps crush us while you're at it.

We're looking for Preview guilds to join in order to spread the love and camaraderie, so if you'd like to have a dev in your guild, please respond in the forum topic at the bottom of this blog. We'll be queueing up the entire hour, so keep an eye out for anyone with the GM tag running around either with you or against you!

During this event, we'll also be streaming and telling viewers about how Strongholds Siege PvP works. We'll be going over the queueing process, PvP towers, the multiple strategies involved and of course, the rewards. Joining StrumSlinger on stream will be John Hopler and Jeff Miller with more possible guests! We'll be streaming from the same room as many other devs who will be playing at this time, so be prepared to hear cheering or even screams of anguish. There will also be prizes in the form of Stronghold Promotional Packs for the viewers.

So get your Preview client ready and be prepared at 5:30pm PDT tomorrow!

When: 9/10 from 5:30-6:30PM PDT!

Where: Perfect World Twitch Channel and the Preview Shard!

What: Play with the Devs in Stronghold Siege PvP!

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