Here are the full patch notes for both 1/15 and 1/16
Patch notes for 1/16
Patch Notes: NW.35.20150101g.8
Classes and Balance
- The Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn may now appropriately choose two Attributes to increase instead of just one.
Items and Economy
- Iron Golem companion Active Bonus now has been increased to +1200 HP from +400 HP.
Patch Notes for 1/15/15
Patch Notes: NW.35.20150101g.7
Content and Environment
• Temple of Tiamat: The respawn location is now at the campfire instead of the door.
Items and Economy
• Ghost Paladin companion is now classified as a Defender. No other changes were made.
• Hearts of the Dragon may now be used to refine artifacts (except the Heart of the Red Dragon).
• Imperial Dragon Cloak is now bound when purchased with Linu's Favor from the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign store.
User Interface
• The Guild Mail tab is now functional again as well as restoring the 'Guild Mail' permission in Guild Settings.
Performance and Stability
• Graphics memory texture has received and update and will now start to throttle the size of requested textures after texture memory reaches a certain size based on your system. This will decrease the visual fidelity of textures when in high load areas and increase overall performance and smoothness. In addition, it should reduce the amount of client crashes that can occur due to out of memory issues.