Startrek Online

Federation Command Carrier Bundle!

The Federation Command Carrier Bundle brings you two new Carrier Ships in the Zen Store!

Starfleet’s range of purpose-built starships has always been rather broad. Perhaps nowhere is that truer than when examining their range of modular ships, built primarily for the purpose of hauling detachable mission pods to the frontiers of the Federation, or wherever else they may be needed. The two starships included in this new Bundle represent modernized designs of a few of the most capable workhorses of this family of ships, updated for the dangerous frontiers of the early-25th century.

Starting on November 18th, 2022 on Xbox and Playstation, players will have the option of purchasing the Federation Command Carrier Bundle which includes two new Federation starships and additional promotional items.

  • Seneca Command Carrier [T6]
    • Unlocks the new Support Runabout Hangar Pets!
  • Valdres Command Strike Wing Escort [T6]
    • Unlocks the new Valkyrie Fighter Squadron Hangar Pets!
  • 4 Starship Slots
  • 4 Experimental Starship Upgrade Tokens
  • 2 Fleet Ship Modules


This value-packed bundle will be on sale for 35% OFF! for the first two weeks it is available, after which it will remain available indefinitely at the full price of 7,000 Zen.

Each of these starships will also be available individually at the standard T6 starship price of 3,000 Zen. However, simultaneous with the release of this Bundle, there will be a Zen Store Starship Sale running, offering 20% OFF on all Starship purchases, which will include these two brand new vessels!

In addition to their Z-Store versions, each of the vessels will have Fleet variants introduced at the same time, which may be unlocked by advancing your Fleet Shipyard to Tier 3. Purchasing either of the individual ships, or obtaining them as part of the Bundle, will result in a discount on their Fleet Variants, reducing the number of Fleet Ship Modules required to purchase them from 5 down to 1.


Seneca Command Carrier [T6]

The original Hiawatha-type starship served Starfleet in the mid-23rd century as logistical and medical operational support. Built around a spine that could accommodate a large selection of modular mission pods, many of these ships saw service as freighters, fleet tenders, colony transports, and medical frigates. The pods were also large enough to serve as shuttle bays, allowing them to serve as small craft carriers, able to assist in rapid evacuations or disaster relief.

In the 25th century, Starfleet has revived the Hiawatha layout in the new Seneca-class starship. The Seneca continues the tradition of its predecessor as a carrier and logistical support craft.

This ship comes with a Commander Science / Command Specialist Bridge Officer Seat and a Lieutenant Universal / Miracle Worker Specialist Bridge Officer seat.

Ship Details:

  • Tier: 6
  • Faction: Federation or Federation-Aligned
  • Required Rank: Must Complete the Tutorial
  • Hull Modifier: 1.25
  • Shield Modifier: 1.35
  • Fore Weapons: 3
  • Aft Weapons: 3
  • Device Slots: 4
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1x Lt Commander Tactical, 1x Lt Commander Engineering, 1x Ensign Science, 1x Commander Science / Command, 1x Lieutenant Universal / Miracle Worker
  • Consoles: 3 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 4 Science (scales with level)
  • Base Turn Rate: 6.5
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.15
  • Inertia: 25
  • +10 Shield Power, +10 Auxiliary Power
  • Console - Universal - Non-Baryonic Buffer Field
  • Can Equip Dual Cannons
  • Subsystem Targeting
  • Hangar Bays: 2
  • Hangar Bays equipped with Danube Runabouts
  • "Inspiration" Ship Mechanic
  • Starship Mastery Package (Science Carrier)
    • Quick Deployment (-Hangar Pet Recharge Time)
    • Armored Hull (+Max Hull HP)
    • Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness)
    • Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP)
    • Supplementary Coordination Network (Starship Trait)


Admiralty Stats:

  • Eng: 37
  • Sci: 44
  • Tac: 27
  • Special: -25% Maintenance per SciShip


Console – Universal – Non-Baryonic Buffer Field

By filling local space with non-baryonic particles, you and nearby fleetmates are able to harmonize your shields in such a way to create a temporal morass around your starship, through which certain high-energy weaponry is slowed down. The result is a conversion of incoming damage from immediate hits, into damage that is applied over time. This console is configured to allow yourself and up to 10 nearby allies to benefit from this effect for a lengthy duration.

This console also provides a passive boost to Auxiliary Subsystem Power and Damage Resistance Rating vs. Hazard and Damage-Over-Time effects.

This console may be equipped on any console slot, on any starship. You may only have one of this console equipped at a time.

  • To Self and up to 10 Allies within 5km:
    • All Incoming Damage above 10% of Max Health is converted to a lesser amount of Radiation Damage-Over-Time (10% applied each sec for 5 sec)
    • (Incoming Damage is measured Pre-Resist, Radiation Damage subject to Shields and Resistances but not Immunities)

The conversion is calculated from the incoming damage's pre-resist value, but the resulting Radiation Damage-over-Time is subject to resistances. The 10 affected targets will attempt to prioritize players but may also affect pets and summons.

This console cannot be activated if you already under the effects of this console from another player and will not affect targets that are already benefiting from these effects. It will immediately short-out and stop delaying damage for any ally that reaches 20 stacks of delayed damage.


Starship Trait - Supplementary Coordination Network

Launching Hangar Pets will reduce the Cooldowns on your Command Bridge Officer Abilities and Captain Abilities by a small amount per activation. This effect triggers even if all Hangars are already deployed, but only while in Combat.

  • When you launch Hangar Pets:  5% Recharge Reduction for Captain Abilities and Command Specialist Bridge Officer Abilities


Hangar Pets – Support Runabouts

These are very straightforward pets, intended to be a variant of the existing Runabout hangar pets that sacrifice their Tractor Beam in favor of a support/healing ability.

These pets can be used on any ship with a hangar bay. They are unlocked by owning the Seneca or Fleet Hiawatha.

  • Weapons:
    • Fore: 360-degree Phaser Beam Array
    • Fore & Aft: Micro Quantum Torpedoes
  • Abilities:
    • Nanite Repair Payload (Rank I, II, or III depending on Rarity)



Fleet Hiawatha Command Carrier [T6]

The fleet version of the Seneca Command Carrier has been updated with the latest technology from your fleet's shipyard. It has slightly improved stats over its counterpart but does not come with a starship trait or special equipment.

This ship comes with a Commander Science / Command Specialist Bridge Officer Seat and a Lieutenant Universal / Miracle Worker Specialist Bridge Officer Seat.

Ship Details:

  • Tier: 6
  • Faction: Federation or Federation-Aligned
  • Required Rank: Must Complete the Tutorial
  • Availability: Tier 3 Fleet Shipyard
  • Hull Modifier: 1.375
  • Shield Modifier: 1.485
  • Fore Weapons: 3
  • Aft Weapons: 3
  • Device Slots: 4
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1x Lt Commander Tactical, 1x Lt Commander Engineering, 1x Ensign Science, 1x Commander Science / Command, 1x Lieutenant Universal / Miracle Worker
  • Consoles: 3 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 4 Science (scales with level)
  • Base Turn Rate: 6.5
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.15
  • Inertia: 25
  • +10 Shield Power, +10 Auxiliary Power
  • Hangar Bays: 2
  • Hangar Bays equipped with Danube Runabouts
  • "Inspiration" Ship Mechanic
  • Starship Mastery Package (Science Carrier)
    • Quick Deployment (-Hangar Pet Recharge Time)
    • Armored Hull (+Max Hull HP)
    • Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness)
    • Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP)

Admiralty Stats

  • Eng: 40
  • Sci: 47
  • Tac: 29
  • Special: +25 ENG when Alone



Valdres Command Strike Wing Escort [T6]

Starfleet developed the general capabilities of this class to meet the needs of missions where transportation and defense of small craft, troops, colonists, and other precious cargo into dangerous regions was key to the missions' success. By combining a capable suite of offensive weaponry and coordination systems alongside powerful tractor arrays, modular cargo interlocks, and a large crew, this workhorse straddles the line between being purpose-built and versatile – a virtue that Starfleet of the early-25th century is thankful to have in its ranks.

This ship comes with a Commander Tactical / Command Bridge Officer Seat and a Lieutenant Universal / Intel Bridge Officer Seat.

Ship Details:

  • Tier: 6
  • Faction: Federation or Federation-Aligned
  • Required Rank: Must Complete the Tutorial
  • Hull Modifier: 1.25
  • Shield Modifier: 0.9
  • Fore Weapons: 5
  • Aft Weapons: 2
  • Device Slots: 2
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1x Lieutenant Tactical, 1x Commander Tactical / Command, 1x Lieutenant Engineering, 1x Lt Commander Science, 1x Lieutenant Universal / Intel
  • Consoles: 4 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science (scales with level)
  • Base Turn Rate: 14
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.18
  • Inertia: 60
  • +10 Weapon Power, +5 Engine Power, +5 Auxiliary Power
  • Console - Universal - Heavy Pulsed Tractor Beam
  • Can Equip Dual Cannons
  • Hangar Bays: 1
  • Hangar Bay equipped with Federation Valkyrie Squadrons
  • "Inspiration" Ship Mechanic
  • Experimental Weapon Slot equipped with Mjolnir
  • Starship Mastery Package (Strike Wing Escort)
    • Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
    • Tactical Maneuvers (+Defense)
    • Quick Deployment (+All Damage)
    • Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)
    • Constructive/Destructive Field Interference (Starship Trait)

Admiralty Stats

  • Eng: 50
  • Sci: 29
  • Tac: 29
  • Special: -25% Maintenance per TacShip


Console – Universal – Heavy Pulsed Tractor Beam

The Tractor Beam phrase for "that wasn't a request", the Heavy Pulsed Tractor Array keeps apace with the theoretical limits of Tractor Beam performance. The heaviest possible relays drive this beast directly off the main lines. In a pinch, it doubles as a combat device, physically pushing Foes around the battlespace or into each other.

Starfleet prides itself on its Engineering Corps. Often that means working with what's to hand, turning rocks to replicators, but just as often it means a rugged tech-savvy logistics -- heavy haulers with crew used to pushing their limits, bringing people and material to where they need to be regardless of the circumstances, getting the right people and the right tools to the right jobs right now, often doing it under incoming fire.


This console also provides a passive boost to Starship Exotic Particle Generator skill and bonus damage with Tractor beam Bridge Officer Abilities. This console can be equipped in any starship, in any console slot. You may only equip one of these consoles on any single ship.

  • If Target is Battleship or Larger:
    • Deals moderate Kinetic Damage each sec for up to 20 sec (ignores shields) and reduces Movement
  • For smaller targets:
    • Hold and Pull Foe to your proximity, dealing moderate Kinetic Damage each sec (ignores shields) while Held, for up to 20 sec
    • Once in proximity, ability changes to Forcibly Jettison Cargo. If activated:
      • Push Held Foe toward another targeted Foe
      • When Held Foe impacts Targeted Foe, deal Heavy Kinetic Damage (ignores shields) to both ships, and up to 8 other enemies nearby


Starship Trait – Constructive/Destructive Field Interference

While this trait is slotted, your Tractor Beam BOFF abilities steal Shield strength from your Foe's ship and add it to your own (all Shield Facings). Additionally, your Energy Drain BOFF abilities reduce your Foe's Drain Expertise (which influences Drain Resistance) and Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating.

  • When activating a Tractor Beam BOFF ability:
    • Drains Heavy Shields from all facings of Foe
    • Restores Light Shields to all facings of Self
  • When activating an Energy Drain BOFF ability:
    • Reduce Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating of Foe by 15
    • Reduce Drain Expertise (including Resistance) of Foe by 50


Experimental Weapon – Mjolnir

This experimental armament is named for the mighty weapon of the God of Thunder from one of Earth's most beloved ancient mythologies. Like one of the many abilities of its mythical namesake, this weapon channels electrical force into a targeted enemy before arcing to additional nearby foes, dealing heavy electrical damage to all who are affected.

  • To Primary Target: Heavy Electrical Damage
  • To 3 Additional Foes within 2km: Heavy Electrical Damage
  • 3 sec activation, 6 sec Recharge



Hangar Pets – Valkyrie Fighter Squadrons

These small ships pack quite a punch, specializing in using coordinated attacks to make the best use of their Photon Torpedoes.

These pets can be used on any ship with a hangar bay. They are unlocked by owning the Seneca, Fleet Hiawatha, Valdres, or Fleet Norway.

  • Weapons:
    • Phaser Pulse Cannons
    • Photon Torpedoes
  • Abilities:
    • Torpedo High Yield (Rank I, II, or III depending on Rarity)
    • Torpedo Spread (Rank I, II, or III depending on Rarity)


Fleet Norway Command Strike Wing Escort [T6]

The fleet version of the Valdres Command Strike Wing Escort has been updated with the latest technology from your fleet's shipyard. It has slightly improved stats over its counterpart, but does not come with a starship trait or special equipment.

This ship comes with a Commander Tactical / Command Bridge Officer Seat and a Lieutenant Universal / Intel Bridge Officer Seat.

Ship Details:

  • Tier: 6
  • Faction: Federation or Federation-Aligned
  • Required Rank: Must Complete the Tutorial
  • Availability: Tier 3 Fleet Shipyard
  • Hull Modifier: 1.375
  • Shield Modifier: 0.99
  • Fore Weapons: 5
  • Aft Weapons: 2
  • Device Slots: 2
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1x Lieutenant Tactical, 1x Commander Tactical / Command, 1x Lieutenant Engineering, 1x Lt Commander Science, 1x Lieutenant Universal / Intel
  • Consoles: 4 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 4 Science (scales with level)
  • Base Turn Rate: 14
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.18
  • Inertia: 60
  • +10 Weapon Power, +5 Engine Power, +5 Auxiliary Power
  • Can Equip Dual Cannons
  • Hangar Bays: 1
  • Hangar Bay equipped with Federation Valkyrie Squadrons
  • "Inspiration" Ship Mechanic
  • Experimental Weapon Slot
  • Starship Mastery Package (Strike Wing Escort)
    • Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
    • Tactical Maneuvers (+Defense)
    • Quick Deployment (+All Damage)
    • Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)

Admiralty Stats

  • Eng: 54
  • Sci: 33
  • Tac: 30
  • Special: +25 SCI when Alone



Jeremy “BorticusCryptic” Randall
Senior Systems Designer
Star Trek Online


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