Check out highlights from some of the most popular and highly anticipated Arc games, including Neverwinter, Star Trek Online and Livelock.
Community News
Neverwinter: Developer Stream - The Maze Engine Story - Did you miss our livestream of The Maze Engine? We’ve got you covered. Jump into our new expansion with Neverwinter Staff Content Designer, Sean “Commander Ander” McCann and Community Manager, Andy “Strumslinger” Wong.
Neverwinter: Developer Blog - Endgame Improvements - How will The Maze Engine affect endgame content? Find out from Neverwinter’s Game Designer, Douglas “Asterdahl” Miller.
Star Trek Online: Skill Revamp Dev Livestream - We took a behind-the-scenes look at the new Skill Revamp arriving with Season 11.5 in a livestream with Community Manager Morrigan "LaughingTrendy" and Staff Systems Designer Jeremy "BorticusCryptic" Randall. Missed the stream? Watch it on our Twitch channel.
Star Trek Online: The Aftermath - The story behind Star Trek Online continues with Captain Walker of the USS Pastak in The Aftermath. Read on.
Around the Web
PC Gamer: How to Play D&D on PC - PC Gamer looks at the vast number of options to take your pen and paper tabletop gaming into a virtual space. Looking at four solid options to satisfy online options, they also look to the future for this form of tabletop.
MMO Play: Endgame Improvements Coming With The Maze Engine Update - MMO Play takes a look at the endgame improvements that will be introduced when The Maze Engine hits Neverwinter next week.
TrekCore: Moonves Talks CBS/Paramount Star Trek Rights and more - CBS Corp. president Les Moonves recently broke down the difference between CBS and Paramount, detailing a six month period following this summer’s film where the new series will hold to avoid marketplace confusion. More on TrekCore.
MMO Play: Red Alert and Raise Shields! Our Star Trek Online Into the Breach Review - In his review of Star Trek Online’s Into the Breach, MMO Play’s Jeff Francis says the mission is “a lot of fun and worth replaying.” Find out why.
MMO Games: Best Superhero Online Game - MMO Games has nominated Champions Online as the “Best Super Online Game!” Be sure to vote for the game before March 31.