PWI - A Flood of Fashion and Dragon Orbs Sale!

By jameswang May 22, 2013 12:00 AM

PWI, free mmorpg, free game, game fashion, 3d fashion

This week we've got a whole line of new fashion outfits available, from the elegant and charming Chiffon fashion set to the playful and delightful Nyan fashion set! Also starting this week is an epic Dragon Orbs sale, and a special 2x Exp / Spirit / Drops week in honor of Memorial Day.


Gear up and get ready to go, because from now until 5/28 @ 11pm PDT, we're activating 2x Experience, Spirit, and Drops! Don't miss out on this week of epic looting and leveling!


New items and sales starting this week:

  • Chiffon Fashion Set
  • Nyan Fashion Set
  • Lace-Trimmed Fashion Set
  • Floral Fashion Set
  • Monarchial Gown
  • Dragon Orb (1 Star) - 50% off
  • Dragon Orb (2 Star) - 50% off
  • Dragon Orb (3 Star) - 50% off
  • Dragon Orb (4 Star) - 50% off
  • Dragon Orb (5 Star) - 50% off
  • Dragon Orb Ocean - 50% off


Chiffon Fashion Set

PWI, PWI fashion, free MMORPG, 3d game, game fashion

Isn't she sweet?



Nyan Fashion Set

PWI, pwi fashion, free MMORPG, game fashion

And look at those feet!


Lace-Trimmed Fashion Set

pwi, free mmorpg, pwi fashion, game fashion

It's quite the retreat!



Floral Fashion Set

pwi, free mmorpg, PWI fashion, game fashion

Just a little offbeat!



Monarchial Gown

pwi, free mmorpg, pwi fashion, game fashion

Simple and complete!





 Dragon Orb Ocean


Dragon Orb Ocean is a powerful item that only the most hardcore of players and merchants need consider. This limited-time, ultra rare orb has a 100% chance to successfully increase an item's refinement level by 1, with the maximum refinement level at +10! This means that it can be used once before being consumed and can refine an item from +2 to +3, from +7 to +8, or from +9 to +10 (remember, it can only be used for one of these)!


Be sure to grab these quick, because in a few weeks, they’ll disappear again!




 1-Star Dragon Orbs through 5-Star Dragon Orbs


What do you do when you finally obtain that piece of gear that you've been pining for? Why, you upgrade it of course! And we've got you covered with this week's sale: 50% off Dragon Orbs!


1-Star Dragon Orbs, when used along with Mirage Celestones, will guarantee a successful refine from 0 to +1, and they can also be combined with each other to create even more powerful Dragon Orbs!


Each higher level Dragon Orb will guarantee one increase in refinement, up to that level. So that shiny 5-Star Dragon Orb will take your new dagger from +4 to +5, no problem!


Dragon Orb sales will be active from 5/22/2013 @ 1:00am server time until 6/26/2013 @ 1:00am server time, at which point the Dragon Orb Ocean will be removed from the PW Boutique.


All fashion items will be permanently added to the PW Boutique.


To view/purchase items in the Boutique, press the "O" (for "Ophelia!") key.


To Charge ZEN, click here!


Free MMORPG - Perfect World International (PWI)