Expansion Feature Spotlight #2 - New Glyph Skills

For our second feature spotlight, we’ll be looking at the new Glyph Skills!

By Lugia December 17, 2017 09:00 AM

For our second feature spotlight, we’ll be looking at the new Glyph Skills!





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨFlame Tsunami


Can be cast when HP is full. If HP is lower than 75% when casting, stuns target.

Golden Glyph

If HP is lower than 75% when casting, deals additional damage.

Verdant Glyph

If HP is lower than 75% when casting, deals a lot of additional damage and no long stuns.

Ethereal Glyph

Also lowers damage by a little. Stuns target with any amount of remaining HP.

Sanguine Glyph

Costs 50% of current Chi to cast. For every 100 Chi spent during casting, damage in increased.

Argent Glyph

No longer stuns. Deals a lot of additional damage with any amount of remaining HP.

ΨDragon Rising


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

If cast with Ax/Hammer/Poleaxe/Polearm, deals a lot of damage.

Verdant Glyph

If cast with Polearm/Pikes/Clubs, increases attack range.

Ethereal Glyph

If cast with Blade/Sword, gains invulnerability when casting.

Sanguine Glyph

If cast with Poleblade/Pikes/Clubs, greatly increases attack range while removing the bleed effect.

Argent Glyph

If cast with Blade/Sword, gains Invincibility and costs no Chi when casting and removes the Blade/Sword.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨMortal Reversion


100% success chance. Cooldown increased to 60 seconds.

Golden Glyph

Also reduces target's Chi.

Verdant Glyph

Also increases the cooldown of the target’s next skill within a certain amount of time by 120 seconds.

Ethereal Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Resists the next buff removal within a certain amount of time.

Sanguine Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. When cast, gives yourself a healing mark and resets your health to that marked value 6 seconds later plus and additional percentage of your Max HP.

Argent Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Casts on yourself to block one killing blow in 6 seconds, and heal yourself.

ΨDivine Pyrogram


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Greatly increases damage.

Verdant Glyph

Shortens Channeling Time.

Ethereal Glyph

Increases Chi gain.

Sanguine Glyph

Channeling Time is increased, but also greatly increases damage.

Argent Glyph

The channeling process becomes a charging action. The longer you charge, the more damage you will deal.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨBlood Rush


Keeps the old skill effect. Shortens cooldown.

Golden Glyph

Increases your Physical Attack gained when you are hit by a certain percentage of weapon damage.

Verdant Glyph

Increases the max stacks of Attack gained when you are hit.

Ethereal Glyph

Greatly increases the Attack gained when you are hit, while reduces the max layers.

Sanguine Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Increases Attack directly.

Argent Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Increases Defense Level when you are hit and is stackable.

ΨViolent Triumph


Keeps the old skill effect. Lowers Chi cost.

Golden Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. The next attack in 10 seconds is a crit with increased damage.

Verdant Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Greatly increases your damage to monsters in 10 seconds.

Ethereal Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. All attacks in in a certain amount of time critical hits.

Sanguine Glyph

Increases movement speed.

Argent Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Immediately recovers a lot of HP but increases the Chi cost to cast this skill.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨArcane Antinomy


Keeps the old skill effect. Also increases physical damage.

Golden Glyph

Deals an additional amount of physical damage.

Verdant Glyph

Also reduces plenty of Magic Attack of the target.

Ethereal Glyph

No longer decreases movement or channeling speed of the target. Also reduces Magic Attack of the target.

Sanguine Glyph

No longer decreases movement or channeling speed of the target. Increases your physical damage.

Argent Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Upon casting, the target's entire Mana bar will be drained. After casting, for every 3s, the target's mana will be drained. The duration is based on Glyph Level.

ΨFossilized Curse


Keeps the old skill effect. Also increases magic damage.

Golden Glyph

Deals an additional amount of magical damage.

Verdant Glyph

Also reduces the physical attack of the target.

Ethereal Glyph

No longer decreases Attack Rate and Accuracy of the target. Reduces the targets physical attack by a certain percentage.

Sanguine Glyph

No longer decreases Attack Rate and Accuracy of the target. Increases all Wood damage by a certain amount.

Argent Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Both you and an enemy are petrified for a while.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨElven Alacrity


Keeps the old skill effect. Also increases buff time.

Golden Glyph

Also increases flying speed.

Verdant Glyph

This skills’ buff extends to your squad members within 20 meters of you.

Ethereal Glyph

Cooldown decreased.

Sanguine Glyph

Restores Chi after use.

Argent Glyph

Launches you up into the air 20 meters.

ΨKnockback Arrow


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Increases damage dealt to monsters.

Verdant Glyph

Increases your damage dealt to monsters up to a certain percentage of your weapon damage. Increases damage the further you are away from your target.

Ethereal Glyph

Channelling Time shortened. Damage also increased.

Sanguine Glyph

Generates a certain amount of Chi. Damage also increased.

Argent Glyph

Damage also increased. Channel changed to Charge and the longer you charge, the more damage you deal.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨGuardian Light


Keeps the old skill effect. No more Chi cost.

Golden Glyph

Also increases movement and flying speed.

Verdant Glyph

Increases damage reduction effect.

Ethereal Glyph

Also makes you immune to movement-impairing effects.

Sanguine Glyph

Movement speed increased and Cooldown is reduced.

Argent Glyph

Teleports you 25 meters forward and skill effect will last for a certain duration.

ΨSiren's Kiss


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Deals additional damage based on a percentage of your weapon damage.

Verdant Glyph

No longer freezes. Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage.

Ethereal Glyph

Guaranteed to Freeze the target. Generates Chi after casting.

Sanguine Glyph

Channeling Time shortened.

Argent Glyph

Can only be used in Violet Dance mode. Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨToxic Torrent


Keeps the old skill effect. Increases damage.

Golden Glyph

Generates a Hit Charge. Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage.

Verdant Glyph

Generates a Hit Charge. Increases poison damage to a percentage of weapon damage.

Ethereal Glyph

Consume all Hit Charges. Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage and each hit charge consumed will deal more damage.

Sanguine Glyph

Consume all Hit Charges. Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage as Wood damage and each hit charge consumed will deal more damage.

Argent Glyph

Generates a Hit Charge. No more damage over time. Increases damage by a percentage of weapon damage.

ΨShadow Teleport


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Generates a Hit Charge. Chi recovered.

Verdant Glyph

Consume all Hit Charges. Generates a certain amount of chi after use.

Ethereal Glyph

Consume all Hit Charges. Reduces the cooldown based on how many Hit Charges consumed.

Sanguine Glyph

Consume all Hit Charges. Increases the stun duration for every hit charge consumed. Generates a certain amount of chi after use.

Argent Glyph

Consume all Hit Charges. Has a certain chance to activate stealth based on how many Hit charges consumed. Generates a certain amount of chi after use.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨSand Flood


Keeps the old skill effect. Increases damage.

Golden Glyph

Deals additional percentage of weapon damage over time.

Verdant Glyph

No longer causes the last blast. Deals a certain percentage of damage.

Ethereal Glyph

Deals damage to all targets within a certain meter range of the target.

Sanguine Glyph

No more damage over time. Deals a certain percentage of damage.

Argent Glyph

Deals an additional percentage of damage to silenced targets.



Keeps the old skill effect. Increases swimming speed.

Golden Glyph

Increases flying speed.

Verdant Glyph

Increases movement speed.

Ethereal Glyph

Only can be used for yourself. Increases flying and movement speed.

Sanguine Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Only used for yourself. Maxes your movement speed for a certain amount of time.

Argent Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Only used for yourself. Maxes your flying speed for aa certain amount of time.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨRewinding Gesture


Keeps the old skill effect. No more Chi cost.

Golden Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Makes all attacks Critial Hits for a certain amount of time.

Verdant Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. Increases Accuracy massively for a certain amount of time.

Ethereal Glyph

Cooldown reduced.

Sanguine Glyph

This skill has a chance to reset cooldown.

Argent Glyph

No longer increases Crit. Increases Attack massively.

ΨBlade Affinity


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Damage reduction chance increased by a certain percentage.

Verdant Glyph

Restores a certain percentage of HP.

Ethereal Glyph

No more buff Evasion. Increases the damage of your next Attack by a certain percentage.

Sanguine Glyph

Channeling time reduction lasts for a certain amount of time, damage reduction lasts for a certain amount of time.

Argent Glyph

Doesn't keep the base skill effect. You cannot be targeted for a certain amount of time.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨBramble Tornaado


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Greatly increases damage.

Verdant Glyph

No Knock Back Effect. Deals an additional percentage of weapon plus a certain amount.

Ethereal Glyph

Decreases Channelling Time.

Sanguine Glyph

Restores Chi after use.

Argent Glyph

No longer Knock Back the target. Self jump back a certain amount of meters and immune to debuffs during this time.

ΨGaia's Blessing


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Only affects yourself - effect duration increased.

Verdant Glyph

Generates chi over a certain amount of time.

Ethereal Glyph

Channeling time reduced by a certain amount of seconds.

Sanguine Glyph

Restores a certain amount of Chi after use.

Argent Glyph

Only affects yourself - your negative status effects will be cleared after the effect ends. Restores an additional percentage of your base magic damage.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect


ΨShadow Prey


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage.

Verdant Glyph

Range increased by a certain amount of meters.

Ethereal Glyph

Has a 50% chance to deal additional damage. Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage.

Sanguine Glyph

Restores a certain amount of Chi after use.

Argent Glyph

Strikes an additional time while in Reaper Form. Reaper Form attack deals a certain percentage of weapon damage.

ΨBlinking Moment


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Deals a certain percentage of base weapon damage.

Verdant Glyph

Range increased by a certain amount of meters.

Ethereal Glyph

Has a certain percentage chance to remove immobilization effects from you.

Sanguine Glyph

Generates a certain amount of Chi.

Argent Glyph

Range increased by a certain amount while in Reaper Form.





New Skills


Skill Name


Skill Effect




Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage.

Verdant Glyph

Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage to non-player targets.

Ethereal Glyph

Deals additional damage if you have 1 Thunder Charge and 2 Ice Charges. Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage.

Sanguine Glyph

Deals additional damage if you have 2 Thunder Charges and 1 Ice Charge. Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage.

Argent Glyph

Damage increased by a certain percentage while in Reaper Form.

ΨTidal Force


Keeps the Sage/Demon effects

Golden Glyph

Deals an additional percentage of weapon damage.

Verdant Glyph

Increases the Freeze chance by a certain percentage.

Ethereal Glyph

Guarantees Freeze if you have 3 Ice Charges. Generates a certain amount of Chi.

Sanguine Glyph

Deals additional damage if you have 3 Thunder Charges. Deals an additional percentage of damage.

Argent Glyph

Damage increased by a certain percentage while in Reaper Form.


We hope you enjoyed our second in-depth look at one of the new features in the upcoming expansion!


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