Today's Forum Lounge topic: Neverfall
Start: November 8, 2018 4:30PM PT
End: November 20, 2018 4:30PM PT
What is Forum Lounge?
Stay awhile and listen! The Forum Lounge is a clean and soothing place for you and your friends to talk and share stories about PWI. Grab a drink, relax, and have a chat.
Forum Lounge is a community social activity that will be held on a PWE staff moderated forum thread. Each Forum Lounge will have a specific topic to talk about.
What is there to do?
- Make a post and chat with your community!
- The staff will pick a few outstanding posts that will be featured in the next Forum Lounge blog.
- Order a drink!
- Look below or at the Forum Lounge's opening post for the current menu and how to order.
- Redeem rewards!
- Every now and then a PWE staff member may drop in with a community gift code (expires after current Forum Lounge ends), so keep an eye out!
Drink Menu
- Fill out and submit this form to place a drink order, and that's it!
- Limit 1 order per character.
- Items received will be bound to your character.
- Rewards will be sent via in-game mailbox. Please make sure you have enough room in your mailbox to properly receive items!
- Please allow up to 1 week business days after the end of Forum Lounge to receive your items.
- This week's menu:
War Avatini
3 parts War Avatar Pack C
3 parts War Avatar Pack A
1 part War Avatar Pack S
Shake and pour and garnish with maple leaves. Serve at room temperature.
Booster Bomb
3 part Hyper EXP Stone Ticket (5x Hyper EXP Stones each)
3 part Charger Orb Ticket (3x Charger Orbs each)
1 part Ancient Gift
Mix Hyper EXP Stone Tickets and Charger Orb Tickets, then drop a shot of Ancient Gift.
Neverfall Iced Tea
1 part War Avatar Pack S
3 part Dragon Orb Pack
3 part Nebula Dust Orb
Mix over ice and shake, pour over a tall glass and serve chilled.
Forum Lounge topic
Our topic this time will be anything and everything about Neverfall, in observance of Neverfall-ember month! Where were you when the Neverfall expansion was released? What was your favorite thing about Neverfall? What sinister scheme could the Changelings be plotting right now?
Hi-lights from the previous Forum Lounge
The topic for the last Forum Lounge was "What is your favorite War Avatar card?" Here are some community hi-lights:
"Im not sure which are my favorite. I can mention more that I dislike than I like.. I suppose Lorelei and Peachblossom Ritualist are the ones I find the most pretty.
I have been using Lorelei for total over a year now. She were with me when I was seat set, though I had a shorter breakup with her during my candleflame time. Now im back to using her card again."
- shopcheese - an epic tale of love, lost, and redemption.
"Astrid, because Astrid is the best empress."
- catgirldesu - from the Astrid nation's propaganda department.
"I didn't even realize this was going on, but hello everyone! My favorite War Avatar Card is Puppeteer I got him as my first A card, and eventually finished his whole set. Then I re-birthed that set until one day I got an incarcerate and decided to run WS city set. I'm nuema portal now, but getting that first card set made me get actually serious about playing. (Vyrg, Seeker DA)"
- womack10 - the origin story, in theaters this coming summer.
"I have the same issue on my cleric. I got all cards, double even, but no Mistress of Night. No matter how many packs I open, it just won't come."
- ailiadrake - please give thoughts and prayers for getting Mistress of Night.
Rules and Conduct
Bottom of the line: Be excellent to each other!
Please refer here to full Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Polices