Forum Lounge

Today's Forum Lounge topic: Neverfall.

By Shalenak November 08, 2018 04:30 PM

Today's Forum Lounge topic: Neverfall



Start: November 8, 2018 4:30PM PT

End: November 20, 2018 4:30PM PT



What is Forum Lounge?

Stay awhile and listen! The Forum Lounge is a clean and soothing place for you and your friends to talk and share stories about PWI.  Grab a drink, relax, and have a chat.

Forum Lounge is a community social activity that will be held on a PWE staff moderated forum thread.  Each Forum Lounge will have a specific topic to talk about.

What is there to do?

  • Make a post and chat with your community!
    • The staff will pick a few outstanding posts that will be featured in the next Forum Lounge blog.
  • Order a drink!
    • Look below or at the Forum Lounge's opening post for the current menu and how to order.
  • Redeem rewards!
    • Every now and then a PWE staff member may drop in with a community gift code (expires after current Forum Lounge ends), so keep an eye out!

Drink Menu

  • Fill out and submit this form to place a drink order, and that's it!
    • Limit 1 order per character.
    • Items received will be bound to your character.
    • Rewards will be sent via in-game mailbox.  Please make sure you have enough room in your mailbox to properly receive items!
    • Please allow up to 1 week business days after the end of Forum Lounge to receive your items. 
  • This week's menu: 


War Avatini

3 parts War Avatar Pack C

3 parts War Avatar Pack A

1 part War Avatar Pack S

Shake and pour and garnish with maple leaves. Serve at room temperature.


Booster Bomb

3 part Hyper EXP Stone Ticket (5x Hyper EXP Stones each)

3 part Charger Orb Ticket (3x Charger Orbs each)

1 part Ancient Gift

Mix Hyper EXP Stone Tickets and Charger Orb Tickets, then drop a shot of Ancient Gift.


Neverfall Iced Tea

1 part War Avatar Pack S

3 part Dragon Orb Pack

3 part Nebula Dust Orb

Mix over ice and shake, pour over a tall glass and serve chilled.

Forum Lounge topic

Our topic this time will be anything and everything about Neverfall, in observance of Neverfall-ember month! Where were you when the Neverfall expansion was released? What was your favorite thing about Neverfall? What sinister scheme could the Changelings be plotting right now?

Start talking now!


Hi-lights from the previous Forum Lounge

The topic for the last Forum Lounge was "What is your favorite War Avatar card?" Here are some community hi-lights:

"Im not sure which are my favorite. I can mention more that I dislike than I like.. I suppose Lorelei and Peachblossom Ritualist are the ones I find the most pretty.
I have been using Lorelei for total over a year now. She were with me when I was seat set, though I had a shorter breakup with her during my candleflame time. Now im back to using her card again."

  • shopcheese - an epic tale of love, lost, and redemption.


"Astrid, because Astrid is the best empress."

  • catgirldesu - from the Astrid nation's propaganda department.


"I didn't even realize this was going on, but hello everyone! My favorite War Avatar Card is Puppeteer laugh I got him as my first A card, and eventually finished his whole set. Then I re-birthed that set until one day I got an incarcerate and decided to run WS city set. I'm nuema portal now, but getting that first card set made me get actually serious about playing. (Vyrg, Seeker DA)"

  • womack10 - the origin story, in theaters this coming summer.


"I have the same issue on my cleric. I got all cards, double even, but no Mistress of Night. No matter how many packs I open, it just won't come."

  • ailiadrake - please give thoughts and prayers for getting Mistress of Night.

Rules and Conduct

Bottom of the line: Be excellent to each other!

Please refer here to full Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Polices