Hey all,
Starting soon, we will be hosting an all new type of fashion event in which you the player, will be able to create your own fashion shot piece. You will be able to showcase your own unique design, all while showing off your fashion in order to win some great prizes!
When: Event starts January 20th, 2015 and ends January 27th, 2015
What: 11 x 17 Covershoot/Collage Combo with a small blurb explaining your fashion set choice. 1 Main picture representing your fashion line, 2 sub pictures and the short blurb advertising your fashion line. *Examples/Template soon to come*
How: You will have to use some sort of photo editing software, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, In-Design, Gimp, or anything else you can find. Once done, simply upload to an image sharign site such as imgur/photobucket, and put it into the forum thread here: Fashion Event
*Gimp is free if you do not have access to any other programs*
1st: Exclusive Female Fashion x 5 (Can be shared with friends) + 50 gold. The fashion item will be named after the winner.
2nd: Exlusive Female Fashion x 1 + 30 Gold
3rd: Exclusive Female Fashion + 15 Gold
Two Random contestants will also be selected and will win 10 Gold each.
*The Female Fashion will remain exclusive for a limited time, and then will be put on the boutique for a limited time*
*Male Characters can also participate, but the fashion you win is for females. No restrictions on who can enter*
Judging Criteria
- Uniqueness
- Creativity
- Style
- Quality
- Flair (Environment)
We look forward to seeing what you come up with!