Weekly Sales Blog - 3/18

Find a host of great items at awesome discounted prices! Take a look at the Anniversary Pack, Mysterious Chip Pack, Fire Red Pack and enjoy the discounts!

By SweetNSour March 13, 2015 02:43 PM


Find a host of great items at awesome discounted prices! Take a look at the Anniversary Pack, Mysterious Chip Pack, Fire Red Pack as well as Pigment Sales and enjoy the discounts!



Sale Start Date: Wednesday, March 18th, 2015 @ 1:00 AM Server Time
Sale End Date: Wednesday, April 1st, 2015 @ 1:00 AM Server Time



Full Sales List

Anniversary Pack - 60% OFF!
Mysterious Chip Pack  - 50% OFF!
Fire Red Pack  - 50% OFF!
Pigment Sales - 50% OFF!


 Anniversary Pack (will be removed from the boutique on 4/1/2014)

Similarly to some of our other packs, such as the Tiger Pack and Lucky Coral, the Anniversary Pack brings the opportunity to win great prizes including gems, charms, and rare mounts!

Even the lowest prize, Perfect Tokens of Luck, can be redeemed at the PW Boutique Agent for tons of useful items such as Gems, Wines, Hyper EXP Stones, and Guardian Scrolls! And if great luck does happen to be on your side while opening the pack, you could end up with a rare item that can be sold for millions of coins!

Brilliant Plumes

List of possible contents:

Grand Lobster
Brilliant Plumes
Flame Drill
Galactic Beetle
Razor Sting
Perfect·Token of Luck - 15
Perfect·Token of Best Luck 
Lunar Glade Insignia·Weapon
Platinum Guardian Charm 
Warsong Marshal Badge 
Heavenrage Boots
Primeval Stone 
Badge of Bravery
Helm of Holy Punishment 
Grand Lobster
Platinum Spirit Charm 
Stone of the Savant 
Fancy Feathers 
Garnet Gem
Lunar Glade Insignia·Ornament 
Citrine Gem
Wings of Cloudcharger 
Sapphire Gem
Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade 
Wing Trophy
Aero Delight 
Diamond of Tiger 
Diamond of Dragon 
Frostcovered Sign·Force 
Scroll of Tome 

 Mysterious Chip Pack

Mysterious Chips can be turned in for various items at multiple NPC's, including the Mysterious Merchant (131 861) in Thousand Streams and General Summer (521 629) in Archosaur!

Tip: Don't want to open one pack at a time? For easy opening of your 50/100 packs, head on over to the Mysterious Merchant (131 861). He has two quests for opening these specific packs, so with a few clicks, you can obtain 500/1000 chips instantly!

(Sold in packs of 10, you can buy either 50 or 100 of these packs, meaning a total of either 500 or 1000 chips per purchase)


 Fire Red Pack

Among this chance box's prizes are gems, oracles, charms, Warsoul, the Nien Beast mount, and rare all-class Baby Fire Fairy pet!

Baby Fire Fairy


Nien Beast Mount

List of possible contents:

Flawless Citrine Shard
Flawless Garnet Shard
Flawless Sapphire Shard
Socket Stone
Oracle II
Oracle IV 
Oracle VI
Mysterious Page 
Mysterious Chip 10-Pack 
Platinum Guardian Charm
Platinum Spirit Charm
Perfect Citrine Shard
Perfect Garnet Shard
Perfect Sapphire Shard
Garnet Gem 
Citrine Gem 
Sapphire Gem 
Nien Beast Pet Egg
Baby Fire Fairy Pet Egg



 Pigment Sales

Pigments can be used to dye most fashions and certain ground mounts. To use, head over to the Seamstress in any major city.

  • Black Pigment
  • Red Pigment
  • White Pigment
  • Yellow Pigment
  • Blue Pigment
  • Sapphire Pigment
  • Turquoise Pigment
  • Green Pigment
  • Light Green Pigment
  • Bright Green Pigment
  • Lime Pigment
  • Plum Pigment
  • Pink Pigment
  • Perfect Pink Pigment
  • Jade Pigment


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