PWI: Dragon Orb Spend Promo

Spend gold in PWI from Wednesday, April 22 to Tuesday, April 28 and win in-game items!

By Alex April 22, 2015 09:54 AM

Spend gold in PWI from Wednesday, April 22 to Tuesday, April 28 and win in-game items! 

Start Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 11:00AM PDT

End Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 @ 11:00PM PDT


Spend Rewards

During the promotion, Spend Gold to start earning rewards. There is 3 tiers to what you can earn for yourself.


Gold Amount



20 Gold

Demon/Sage Card

2 50 Gold War Avatar Pack: S x1
3 75 Gold Dragon Orb Ocean x1

Reward Distribution

  • Promotion is repeatable up to 10 times per character!
  • All items will be acquired through the in-game mail system.
  • Reward items will be sent within the first 2 hours following the end of the promotion.
  • All items acquired will be bound.
  • Items will be sent to the character that made the purchase.


This promotion ends on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 11:00PM PDT, so make sure to make the most out of it!