In the midst of the confrontations currently raging across multiple eras in the primary timeline, there have also been incidents of incursions into entirely alternate realities. One such breach has resulted in many artifacts and technological oddities from another timeline getting pulled into our own. A closer examination of this timeline reveals that it is a divergent reality that split from our own as a result of a confrontation in the 23rd Century, between an unknown Romulan vessel that had been displaced from the time stream, and a Federation starship - the U.S.S. Kelvin. As a result of this temporal incursion, the entire timeline that followed those events has come to be called the "Kelvin Timeline."
Examination of the time-lost salvage taken from the Kelvin Timeline reveals that the Federation of that reality had a decidedly higher investment in advanced military technology, likely as a direct result of their overwhelming defeat at the hands of the alien vessel that invaded their space in the 23rd Century. The same has shown to be true of the Klingon and Romulan ships of that time. This emphasis allows their technology - though technically hundreds of years old - to be comparable with our own in the early 25th Century. A small group of industrious scientists have taken it upon themselves to replicate these designs and distribute them throughout the modern era.
Kelvin Timeline Heavy Command Cruiser [T6] – Constitution Class
Direct from the 23rd century of an alternate timeline, this Constitution-class vessel leads the way into a new frontier. Starfleet puts their best on ships of this class, and their actions can be a source of inspiration to all. Big and durable, the Heavy Command Cruiser is prepared to seek strange new worlds.
This starship features a Commander Engineering/Command bridge officer station and a Lieutenant Science/Temporal Operative bridge officer station.
Command ships are impressive vessels designed to inspire those around them. When the Command ship or its teammates activate a Bridge Officer ability, all Command Ships on the team will receive a small amount of the Inspiration resource. Command Bridge Officer abilities generate additional Inspiration. Once a Command ship's Inspiration meter is full, they can use one of three powerful abilities that can turn the tide of battle.
This starship comes with its own unique Kelvin Timeline Constitution Bridge.
Ship Details
- Faction: Starfleet
- Availability: Kelvin Timeline Lockbox
- Tier: 6
- Required Rank: Rear Admiral
- Hull Strength: 43,500 at level 40, 50,025 at level 50 and 58,000 at level 60
- Shield Modifier: 1.1
- Fore Weapons: 4
- Aft Weapons: 4
- Device Slots: 4
- Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Ensign Engineering, 1 Commander Engineering/Command, 1 Lieutenant Science/Temporal Operative, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal
- Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 3 Science
- Base Turn Rate: 8
- Impulse Modifier: 0.15
- Inertia: 40
- +5 to All Power Levels
- Console – Universal – Auxiliary Ejector Assembly
- Inspiration Abilities
- Turn the Tide
- Against All Odds
- Battle Preparation
- Starship Ability Package (Cruiser)
- Absorptive Plating (+Kinetic and Physical Damage Resistance)
- Rapid Repairs (+Regeneration)
- Enhanced Plating (+Energy and Radiation Damage Resistance)
- Armored Hull (+Max Hull Hit Points)
- Down But Not Out (Starship Trait)
- Cruiser Command Array
- Command – Strategic Maneuvering
- Command – Shield Frequency Modulation
- Command – Weapon System Efficiency
- Command – Attract Fire
Console – Universal – Auxiliary Ejector Assembly
Redundancy and backup systems are common on Federation starships, regardless of the timeline. The Federation of the Kelvin Timeline, however, takes this to the extreme by decentralizing portions of their warp core assembly into "auxiliary" warp cores. By installing similar contingencies, these smaller antimatter chambers can be ejected and detonated in case of emergencies, damaging foes and freeing the Federation vessel from effects that impair its maneuverability.
Having this console equipped will increase the damage dealt by your Exotic Damage abilities, while also increasing both current and maximum Auxiliary Subsystem Power (NOTE: Sources of max power do not stack - only the strongest applies, per subsystem.)
This Console Mod can be equipped on any ship, in any console slot. You may only equip one of these mods on any single ship.
NOTE: Romulan and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Console Pack in the Kelvin Timeline lockbox.
Down But Not Out (Starship Trait)
After achieving level 5 in your Kelvin Timeline Heavy Command Cruiser T6's Starship Mastery, you will unlock the Down But Not Out starship trait. While this trait is slotted, and as your ship takes damage, you are able to reroute power from damaged systems to increase the maximum power potential of all of your subsystems, allowing a higher cap on your potential performance. (NOTE: No sources of +MaxPower stack; only the highest bonus will apply.)
NOTE: Romulan and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Starship Trait Unlock packs in the Kelvin Timeline Lockbox.
Kelvin Timeline D4x Pilot Bird-of-Prey [T6]
The Klingons of the Kelvin Timeline were inspired by the tenacious D4 fighter when they designed this Bird-of-Prey . Incredibly nimble and armed for heavy combat, the D4X is a force to be reckoned with across two realities. A battle-cloak adds to the threat of this fearsome vessel.
This starship features a Commander Universal/Pilot Bridge Officer seat and a Lieutenant Universal/Temporal Operative Bridge Officer seat.
Pilot ships are highly agile craft designed to perform advanced maneuvers that can give them a deadly edge in combat. By double tapping your directional movement keys your starship will perform a maneuver in that direction.
This starship comes with its own unique Kelvin Timeline Klingon Bridge.
Ship Details
- Faction: Klingon
- Availability: Kelvin Timeline Lockbox
- Tier: 6
- Required Rank: Brigadier General
- Hull Strength: 26,400 at level 40, 30,360 at level 50 and 35,200 at level 60
- Shield Modifier: 0.95
- Fore Weapons: 5
- Aft Weapons: 1
- Device Slots: 2
- Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Ensign Universal, 1 Lieutenant Universal, 1 Lieutenant Universal/Temporal Operative, 1 Lieutenant Commander/Universal, 1 Commander Universal/Pilot
- Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science
- Base Turn Rate: 22
- Impulse Modifier: 0.24
- Inertia: 0.8
- +15 to Weapon Power and +5 to Engine Power
- Console – Universal – Proton Charge Launcher
- Battle Cloaking Device
- Can Load Dual Heavy Cannons
- Tactical Maneuvers
- Raider Flanking
- +25% damage when attacking an NPC enemy's rear arc
- +8.33% damage when attacking a Player enemy's rear arc
- Starship Mastery Package (Raider)
- Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
- Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
- Enhanced Weapon Systems (+All Damage)
- Enhanced Weapon Banks (+Crit Severity)
- Standoff (Starship Trait)
Console – Universal – Proton Charge Launcher
The Kelvin Timeline D4x Pilot Bird-of-Prey comes equipped with the Proton Charge Launcher Universal Console. Supplementing the cannon weaponry of the ship are banks of proton explosives intended for short-range deployment. These small charges are encased in launcher mechanisms capable of unloading their entire barrage in a short amount of time, dealing incredible damage to nearby foes, but acquiring targets somewhat at random. While half of the charges hit the primary target, the other half cannot be locked on. Although these proton charges pack quite a punch, their damage potential will drop off sharply beyond 5.0km from targets.
Having this console equipped will increase your ship's maximum hull, while also increasing both current and maximum Engine Subsystem Power (NOTE: Sources of max power do not stack - only the strongest applies, per subsystem.)
This Console Mod can be equipped on any ship, in any console slot. You may only equip one of these mods on any single ship.
NOTE: Romulan and Starfleet characters can obtain this console via the Console Pack in the Kelvin Timeline lockbox.
Standoff (Starship Trait)
After achieving level 5 in your Kelvin Timeline D4x Pilot Bird-of-Prey T6's Starship Mastery, you will unlock the Standoff starship trait. While this starship trait is slotted, firing upon the forward 90-degree arc of an opponent allows your weapons to deal more damage than usual. Additionally, your weapons gain the ability to knock your foes' weapons offline briefly, once every several seconds, so long as you continue firing on their forward arc.
NOTE: Romulan and Starfleet characters can obtain this console via the Starship Trait Unlock packs in the Kelvin Timeline Lockbox.
Kelvin Timeline T’laru Intel Carrier Warbird [T6]
A versatile Warbird designed to serve as a Space Control ship, the T’laru Intel Carrier is not to be taken lightly. Agile for a ship of its size, the vessel carries a compliment of Scorpion fighters and an array of tactical defense systems. A potent ‘mining drill’ beam weapon gives the T’laru a heavy punch in battle.
This starship features a Commander Science/Intel bridge officer station and a Lieutenant Engineering/Temporal Operative bridge officer station.
It features a Romulan Battle Cloaking Device and Active Sensor Arrays. The former allows the starship to cloak even while in combat, and the latter allows Intel craft to gather information about their target to expose a vulnerability in their defenses.
Intel Ships are all capable of passive Warp Signature Masking. This passive ability grants the Intel ship a tiny amount of Stealth, which will render the Intel craft undetectable at long range. This passive stealth bonus is removed when the starship activates its cloaking device.
The Kelvin Timeline T'laru Intel Carrier Warbird comes standard with 2 hangar bays of Kelvin Timeline Scorpion Fighters. These fighters are armed with a Plasma Beam Array and a Plasma Torpedo Launcher. They also can use the Reroute Reserves to Weapons I ability.
This starship comes with its own unique Kelvin Timeline Romulan Bridge.
Ship Details
- Tier: 6
- Availability: Kelvin Timeline Lockbox
- Faction: Romulan
- Rank Requirement: Sub-Admiral
- Hull Strength: 1.3 (39,000 at level 40, 44,850 at level 50 and 52,000 at level 60)
- Shield Modifier: 1.25
- Fore Weapons: 4
- Aft Weapons: 2
- Device Slots: 3
- Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering/Temporal Operative, 1 Commander Science/Intel, 1 Lieutenant Universal, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal
- Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 4 Science
- Base Turn Rate: 8.5 degrees/second
- Impulse Modifier: 0.18
- Inertia: 30
- +10 to Shield Power and +10 to Auxiliary Power
- Can Load Dual Cannons
- Romulan Battle Cloaking Device
- Console – Universal – Mining Drill Laser
- Hangar Bays: 2
- Hangar Bays loaded with Kelvin Timeline Scorpion Fighters
- Active Sensor Arrays
- Gather Intelligence
- Expose Vulnerability: Defenses
- Expose Vulnerability: Weapon Systems
- Expose Vulnerability: Critical Systems
- Starship Mastery Package (Science Carrier Warbird)
- Quick Deployment (+Pet XP, -Hangar Pet Recharge Time)
- Enhanced Singularity Circuitry (+Singularity Gain, -Singularity Cooldown)
- Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness)
- Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP)
- Highly Specialized (Starship Trait)
- Singularity Abilities
- 40 Base Power for All Subsystems
- Plasma Shockwave
- Quantum Absorption
- Warp Shadows
- Singularity Jump
- Singularity Overcharge
Console - Universal - Mining Drill Laser Emitter
The Kelvin Timeline T'laru Intel Carrier Warbird comes equipped with the Mining Drill Laser Emitter Universal Console. This specialized mining drill emitter can be hooked into the weapon systems of any modern starship, in order to weaponize its potential. The drill's laser can be maintained on a target for a very long duration, gradually increasing in both the damage dealt to the foe and the damage done to their armor systems, which in turn increases the damage the targeted foe will take from all sources of damage.
The amount of time this emitter takes to recharge is directly related to how long it is active on a single target; taking longer to recharge the longer it is maintained.
Having this console equipped will increase your maximum shield capacity, while also increasing both current and maximum Shield Subsystem Power (NOTE: Sources of max power do not stack - only the strongest applies, per subsystem.)
This Console Mod can be equipped on any ship, in any console slot. You may only equip one of these mods on any single ship.
NOTE: Starfleet and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Console Pack in the Kelvin Timeline lockbox.
Highly Specialized (Starship Trait)
After achieving level 5 in your Kelvin Timeline T'laru Intel Carrier Warbird T6's Starship Mastery, you will unlock the Highly Specialized starship trait. While this starship trait is slotted, each time one of their abilities is activated, it will cause all other specialist bridge officer abilities to recharge more quickly, allowing them all to be used more frequently. In addition, you will gain a boost to Starship Hull Repair, Starship Weapon Specialization and Starship Particle Generators skills. This skill buff stacks up to 5 times.
NOTE: Starfleet and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Starship Trait Unlock packs in the Kelvin Timeline Lockbox.
Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] - Vengeance Class
This vessel was designed by Khan Noonien Singh to protect the Federation from all threats. The massive Vengeance-class Dreadnought is equipped with an arsenal of cutting-edge weaponry, including Assault Drones. Its defense systems include a cloaking device and an Intel sensor suite.
This starship features a Commander Engineering/Intel bridge officer station and a Lieutenant Universal/Temporal Operative bridge officer station.
It features a Cloaking Device and Active Sensor Arrays. The former allows the starship to cloak while not in combat, and the latter allows Intel craft to gather information about their target to expose a vulnerability in their defenses.
Intel Ships are all capable of passive Warp Signature Masking. This passive ability grants the Intel ship a tiny amount of Stealth, which will render the Intel craft undetectable at long range. This passive stealth bonus is removed when the starship activates its cloaking device.
The Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser comes standard with 1 hangar bay of Kelvin Timeline Assault Drones. Assault Drones are armed with Kelvin Timeline Phaser Emitter Arrays and Kelvin Timeline Photon Torpedo Launcher.
This starship comes with its own unique Kelvin Timeline Vengeance Bridge.
Ship Details
- Faction: Starfleet
- Availability: Lobi Store
- Tier: 6
- Required Rank: Rear Admiral
- Hull Strength: 1.52 (45,600 at level 40, 52,440 at level 50 and 60,800 at level 60)
- Shield Modifier: 1.15
- Fore Weapons: 5
- Aft Weapons: 3
- Device Slots: 4
- Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Commander Engineering/Intel, 1 Ensign Science, 1 Lieutenant Universal/Temporal Operative, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal
- Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 2 Science
- Base Turn Rate: 7
- Impulse Modifier: 0.18
- Inertia: 40
- +15 to Weapon Power and +5 to Shield Power
- Console – Universal – Broadside Emitter Arrays
- Can Load Dual Heavy Cannons
- Hangar Bays: 1
- Hangar Bays loaded with Kelvin Assault Drones
- Active Sensor Arrays
- Gather Intelligence
- Expose Vulnerability: Defenses
- Expose Vulnerability: Weapon Systems
- Expose Vulnerability: Critical Systems
- Starship Mastery Package (Dreadnought Cruiser)
- Rapid Repairs (+Hull Regen)
- Enhanced Plating (+Energy and Radiation Res)
- Devastating Weaponry (+Crit Chance)
- Armored Hull (+Max Hull HP)
- Target Rich Environment (Starship Trait)
- Cruiser Command Array
- Command – Attract Fire
- Command – Weapon System Efficiency
Console - Universal - Broadside Emitter Arrays
The Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser comes equipped with the Broadside Emitter Arrays Universal Console. This technology is basically additional banks of emitter arrays, mounted on the exterior 'broad side' arcs of the ship. In order to minimize their power draw and performance impact, these emitters can only be powered up for brief periods of time, and their targeting sensors are set to automatically acquire targets. In an attempt to make up for their limited usage, they have been set to fire at an extremely rapid pace.
Having this console equipped will increase the speed at which your Captain Abilities will recharge, while also increasing both current and maximum Weapons Subsystem Power (NOTE: Sources of max power do not stack - only the strongest applies, per subsystem.)
This Console Mod can be equipped on any Kelvin Timeline ship, in any console slot. You may only equip one of these mods on any single ship.
NOTE: Romulan and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Cross-Faction Bundle: Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Equipment in the Lobi store.
Target Rich Environment (Starship Trait)
After achieving level 5 in your Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser T6's Starship Mastery, you will unlock the Target Rich Environment starship trait. While this starship trait is slotted, activating Beam: Fire At Will or Cannon: Scatter Volley will provide a small boost to weapon damage, per weapon activation, for a short time as long as these attack modes are active. This bonus stacks up to 30 times.
NOTE: Romulan and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Cross-Faction Bundle: Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Equipment in the Lobi store.
Alternate Timeline Set
This four piece set includes the consoles from the Kelvin Timeline Command Cruiser, Kelvin Timeline D4x Pilot Bird-of-Prey, Kelvin Timeline Intel Carrier Warbird and Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser.
Below are the four universal consoles in this set:
- Console – Universal – Auxiliary Ejector Assembly
- Found on the Kelvin Timeline Heavy Command Cruiser [T6] (Starfleet Only)
- Found in the Console Pack in the Kelvin Lockbox (Klingon and Romulan Only)
- Console – Universal – Proton Charge Launcher
- Found on the Kelvin Timeline Pilot D4x Bird-of-Prey [T6] (Klingons Only)
- Found in the Console Pack in the Kelvin Lockbox (Starfleet and Romulan Only)
- Console – Universal – Mining Drill Laser
- Found on the Kelvin Timeline T’laru Intel Carrier Warbird [T6] (Romulans Only)
- Found in the Console Pack in the Kelvin Lockbox (Starfleet and Romulan Only)
- Console – Universal – Broadside Emitter Arrays
- Found on the Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] (Starfleet Only)
- Found in the Cross-Faction Bundle: Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Equipment in the Lobi store.
Set Bonuses
Standardized Weaponry (2 piece) – Passive
- +Phaser Directed Energy Damage
- +Photon Projectile Damage
- Subatomic Elasticity (3 piece) - Passive
- +Kinetic and Physical Damage Resistance Rating
- +Incoming Healing
- Increases as health decreases
- Timeline Resonance (4 piece) – Passive
- Reduces recharge time of all consoles in this set
- Reduces recharge time of all consoles in this set
Kelvin Timeline Romulan Hangar Pets
Below is an outline of availability, abilities and equipment found on the Kelvin Timeline Romulan Hangar Pets.
Kelvin Timeline Scorpion Fighters
These fighters are unlocked in their stores listed below as long as you own a Kelvin Timeline T’laru Intel Carrier Warbird.
Kelvin Timeline Scorpion Fighters
- Availability: EC Store, comes equipped on the Kelvin Timeline T’laru Intel Carrier Warbird by default
- Weapons:
- 1x Plasma Beam Array (Fore)
- 1x Plasma Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- Abilities:
- Reroute Reserves to Weapons I
- Reroute Reserves to Weapons I
Advanced Kelvin Timeline Scorpion Fighters
- Availability: Dilithium Store
- Weapons:
- 1x Plasma Beam Array (Fore)
- 1x Plasma Dual Beam Bank (Fore)
- 1x Plasma Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- Abilities:
- Reroute Reserves to Weapons I
- Reroute Reserves to Weapons I
Elite Kelvin Timeline Scorpion Fighters
- Availability: Fleet Hangar Pet Store
- Weapons:
- 1x Plasma Beam Array (Fore)
- 1x Plasma Dual Beam Bank (Fore)
- 1x Plasma Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- Abilities:
- Reroute Reserves to Weapons I
- Beam: Fire At Will I
Kelvin Timeline Starfleet Hangar Pets
Below is an outline of availability, abilities and equipment found on the Kelvin Timeline Starfleet Hangar Pets.
Kelvin Timeline Assault Drones
These fighters are unlocked in their stores listed below as long as you own a Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser.
Kelvin Timeline Assault Drones
- Availability: EC Store, comes equipped on the Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser by default
- Weapons:
- 1x Phaser Emitter Arrays (Fore)
- 1x Kelvin Photon Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- Abilities:
- Ram
- When low on hull strength, ram enemy for heavy Kinetic damage.
- When low on hull strength, ram enemy for heavy Kinetic damage.
- Ram
Advanced Kelvin Timeline Assault Drones
- Availability: Dilithium Store
- Weapons:
- 1x Phaser Emitter Arrays (Fore)
- 1x Kelvin Photon Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- Abilities:
- Ram
- When low on hull strength, ram enemy for heavy Kinetic damage.
- Torpedo: Spread I
- Ram
Elite Kelvin Timeline Assault Drones
- Availability: Fleet Hangar Pet Store
- Weapons:
- 1x Phaser Emitter Arrays (Fore)
- 1x Kelvin Photon Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- Abilities:
- Ram
- When low on hull strength, ram enemy for heavy Kinetic damage.
- Torpedo: Spread I
- Beam: Fire At Will I
- Ram
NOTE: The above stats for all ships are subject to change.
Phil “Gorngonzolla” Zeleski
Lead Systems Designer
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