The final years of the 23rd Century were a time of great turmoil for the Klingons, Romulans, and the Federation. Many advanced technologies were developed during this time period, some of which are still serviceable today. This period also saw many shocking scientific occurrences, some of which are still not fully understood. Each faction has found these technologies, including the dreadnoughts of the era, can be re-purposed for today’s conflicts. Seeing the potential for profit, the Lobi Crystal Consortium has agreed to help update the technology of yesteryear… for the right price.
Some of the most iconic moments in Star Trektook place in the first six films. We saw the crew of the TOS Enterprise, as well as some of their villains, reprise their roles on the silver screen. While Agents of Yesterday did not directly touch on points from those films, they’re an era which we’ve wanted to include more thoroughly for quite some time. The Undiscovered Lock Box presents players with a way to capture some of these moments. It contains ships, weapons, and more which would feel right at home on the set of The Wrath of Khan, The Undiscovered Country, and all the beloved original Star Trek films.
Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] – Atlas Class
A Federation dreadnought from the 23rd century, the Atlas has been retrofitted with advanced technology for the battlefields of the 25th century. A large, stout vessel built for combat, the Atlas-class was one of the first Starfleet vessels with a fighter bay.
This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Temporal Officer Bridge Officer Seat and a Lieutenant Engineering/Command Bridge Officer Seat.
The Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] has a single hangar bay equipped with Type F shuttles. These small craft are equipped with Phaser Beam Arrays and Photon Torpedoes.
Ship Details
- Faction: Starfleet
- Availability: Undiscovered Lock box
- Tier: 6
- Required Rank: Rear Admiral (Level 40)
- Hull Strength: 43,800 at level 40, 50,370 at level 50 and 58,400 at level 60
- Shield Modifier: 1.15
- Fore Weapons: 5
- Aft Weapons: 3
- Device Slots: 3
- Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Temporal Operative, 1 Lieutenant Engineering/Command, 1 Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science, 1 Lieutenant Universal
- Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 5 Engineering 2 Science
- Base Turn Rate: 8 degrees per second
- Impulse Modifier: 0.15
- Inertia: 35
- +5 to All Power Levels
- Can Load Dual Cannons
- Console – Universal – Hull Ionization Module
- Hangar Bays: 1
- Hangar Bays loaded with Type F Shuttles
- Cruiser Communications Array
- Command – Attract Fire
- Command - Weapon System Efficiency
- Starship Ability Package (Dreadnought Cruiser)
- Rapid Repairs (+Hull Regen)
- Enhanced Plating (+Energy and Radiation Damage Resistance Rating)
- Devastating Weaponry(+Critical Hit Chance)
- Armored Hull (+Maximum Hull Hit Points)
- SIF Shunt (Starship Trait)
Console – Universal – Dynamic Power Redistributor Module
The Atlas-class Dreadnought Cruiser comes equipped with a Dynamic Power Redistributor Module Universal Console. Starships equipped with this console are capable of greatly strengthening their Structural Integrity Field for a short time, thus providing a large increase to hull regeneration rate and damage resistance rating. Additionally, this power can be redirected from the Structural Integrity Field to other systems to provide a large boost to all out going damage as long as the starship's hull strength remains at 80% or above.
This console also provides a passive bonus to All Energy Damage Resistance Rating and Directed Energy Damage.
This console may be equipped on any starship, but only one may be equipped at a time.
NOTE: Romulan and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Console Pack in the Undiscovered Lock Box.
SIF Shunt (Starship Trait)
After reaching level 5 in your Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser [T6], you will unlock the SIF Shunt Starship Trait. While this trait is slotted, activating any hull healing while at full hull strength will provide a boost to all power levels for a short time. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
NOTE: Romulan and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Starship Trait Unlock packs in the Undiscovered Lock Box.
D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser [T6]
Known by Klingons in the 23rd century as the "Lord of the Battlefield," the D9 now utilizes cutting-edge technology in the conflicts of the modern era. A hangar bay with DuQwI’ fighters compliments an impressive arsenal, including the Disruption Pulse Emitter.
This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Temporal Officer Bridge Officer Seat and a Lieutenant Engineering/Command Bridge Officer Seat.
The D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser [T6] has a single hangar bay equipped with DuQwl' fighters. These small craft are equipped with Disruptor Beam Arrays and Photon Torpedoes.
Ship Details
- Faction: Klingon
- Availability: Undiscovered Lock box
- Tier: 6
- Required Rank: Brigadier General (Level 40)
- Hull Strength: 45,300 at level 40, 52,095 at level 50 and 60,400 at level 60
- Shield Modifier: 1.1
- Fore Weapons: 5
- Aft Weapons: 3
- Device Slots: 3
- Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Temporal Operative, 1 Lieutenant Engineering/Command, 1 Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science, 1 Lieutenant Universal
- Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 5 Engineering 2 Science
- Base Turn Rate: 7 degrees per second
- Impulse Modifier: 0.15
- Inertia: 35
- +10 Power to Weapons and +10 Power to Engines
- Can Load Dual Cannons
- Console – Universal - Disruption Pulse Emitter
- Hangar Bays: 1
- Hangar Bays loaded with DuQwl' Fighters
- Equipped with Cloaking Device
- Cruiser Communications Array
- Command – Attract Fire
- Command - Weapon System Efficiency
- Starship Ability Package (Dreadnought Cruiser)
- Rapid Repairs (+Hull Regen)
- Enhanced Plating (+Energy and Radiation Damage Resistance Rating)
- Devastating Weaponry(+Critical Hit Chance)
- Armored Hull (+Maximum Hull Hit Points)
- Catastrophic Overload (Starship Trait)
Console – Universal – Disruption Pulse Emitter
The D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser comes equipped with a Disruption Pulse Emitter Universal Console. A starship equipped with this device can emit a series of pulses from its deflector that wreak havoc on critical starship systems. These pulses deal moderate physical damage and disable any foes in front of the starship that has activated the Disruption Pulse Emitter.
This console also provides a passive bonus to the Starship Control Expertise and Starship Particle Emitters skills.
This console may be equipped on any starship, but only one may be equipped at a time.
NOTE: Romulan and Starfleet characters can obtain this console via the Console Pack in the Undiscovered Lock Box.
Catastrophic Overload (Starship Trait)
After reaching level 5 in your D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser [T6], you will unlock the Catastrophic Overload Starship Trait. While this trait is slotted activating Jam Sensors will cause it to deal high electrical damage and disable targets in a large area of effect when it expires.
NOTE: Romulan and Starfleet characters can obtain this console via the Starship Trait Unlock packs in the Undiscovered Lock Box.
Thrai Dreadnought Warbird [T6]
The vessel of choice for Romulan flag officers in the 23rd century, the Thrai-class has been updated to join the Republic naval order of battle in the current day. The Thrai fields a battle cloak and utilizes a Secondary Shield Projector to bolster the defenses of her allies.
This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Temporal Officer Bridge Officer Seat and a Lieutenant Engineering/Command Bridge Officer Seat.
The Thrai Dreadnought Warbird [T6] has a single hangar bay equipped with Kaleh fighters. These small craft are equipped with Plasma Beam Arrays and Plasma Torpedoes.
Ship Details
- Faction: Romulan
- Availability: Undiscovered Lock box
- Tier: 6
- Required Rank: Sub Admiral I (Level 40)
- Hull Strength: 43,500 at level 40, 50,025 at level 50 and 58,000 at level 60
- Shield Modifier: 1.1
- Fore Weapons: 5
- Aft Weapons: 3
- Device Slots: 3
- Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Temporal Operative, 1 Lieutenant Engineering/Command, 1 Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science, 1 Lieutenant Universal
- Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 5 Engineering 2 Science
- Base Turn Rate: 8.5 degrees per second
- Impulse Modifier: 0.15
- Inertia: 35
- +10 Power to Weapons and +10 Power to Engines
- Can Load Dual Cannons
- Console – Universal – Secondary Shield Projector
- Hangar Bays: 1
- Hangar Bays loaded with Kaleh Fighters
- Equipped with Romulan Battle Cloak
- Starship Mastery Package (Engineering Warbird)
- Absorptive Plating (+Physical and Kinetic Damage Resistance)
- Enhanced Singularity Circuitry (+Singularity Gain, -Singularity Cooldown)
- Enhanced Plating (+Energy and Radiation Damage Resistance)
- Armored Hull (+Maximum Hit Points)
- Layered Shielding (Starship Trait)
- Singularity Warp Core
- 40 Base Power for All Subsystems
- Plasma Shockwave
- Quantum Absorption
- Warp Shadows
- Singularity Jump
- Singularity Overcharge
Console – Universal – Secondary Shield Projector
The Thrai Dreadnought Warbird comes equipped with a Secondary Shield Projector Universal Console. A starship with this console equipped in capable of enveloping allies within a secondary shield. Affected allies will gain a large amount of Secondary Shielding as well as having all Hazard and Debuff effects cleansed once every second for the ability's duration.
This console also provides a passive bonus to Starship Shield Emitters skill and Shield Hardness.
This console may be equipped on any starship, but only one may be equipped at a time.
NOTE: Starfleet and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Console Pack in the Undiscovered Lock Box.
Layered Shielding (Starship Trait)
After reaching level 5 in your Thrai Dreadnought Warbird [T6], you will unlock the Layered Shielding Starship Trait. While this trait is slotted Emergency Power to Shield and Extend Shield apply a moderate amount of Secondary Shielding to their target. This effect does not stack.
NOTE: Starfleet and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Starship Trait Unlock packs in the Undiscovered Lock Box.
NX Escort Refit [T6]
The 23rd century refit of the legendary NX-class of the 22nd century, this escort vessel is both tough and nimble in battle. A key component of this ship’s arsenal is the new Point Defense Bombardment Warhead, which fills an area with micro-torpedoes before the primary payload has detonated on impact.
This starship features a Lieutenant Tactical/Pilot Bridge Officer Seat and a Lieutenant Command Universal/Temporal Operative Bridge Officer Seat.
Ship Details
- Faction: Starfleet
- Availability: Lobi Store
- Tier: 6
- Required Rank: Rear Admiral (Level 40)
- Hull Strength: 33,750 at level 40, 38,812 at level 50 and 45,000 at level 60
- Shield Modifier: 1.05
- Fore Weapons: 5
- Aft Weapons: 2
- Device Slots: 2
- Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical/Pilot, 1 Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Ensign Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Temporal Operative
- Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 4 Engineering 2 Science
- Base Turn Rate: 16 degrees per second
- Impulse Modifier: 0.2
- Inertia: 60
- +15 to Weapon Power and +5 to Engine Power
- Can Load Dual Cannons
- Console – Universal – Point Defense Bombardment Warhead
- Starship Ability Package (Escort)
- Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
- Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
- Enhanced Weapon Systems (+Weapon Damage)
- Devastating Weaponry (+Crit Chance)
- Preferential Targeting (Starship Trait)
Console – Universal – Point Defense Bombardment Warhead
The NX Escort Refit comes equipped with a Point Defense Bombardment Warhead Universal Console. Activating this console will launch a warhead that will slowly travel to your target. Any enemy starship unfortunate enough to get within the Warhead's attack range will be repeatedly bombarded with photon torpedoes! When the warhead reaches its target, it will detonate, causing heavy kinetic damage to the target and all nearby foes.
This console also provides a passive bonus to Projectile Damage and Critical Hit Chance.
This console may be equipped on any starship, but only one may be equipped at a time.
NOTE: Romulan and Klingon characters can obtain this console via the Cross-Faction Bundle: NX Escort Refit Equipment in the Lobi store.
Preferential Targeting (Starship Trait)
After reaching level 5 in your NX Escort Refit [T6], you will unlock the Preferential Targeting Starship Trait. While this trait is slotted activating Beam: Fire at Will or Cannon: Scatter Volley will cause Beam: Overload and Cannon: Rapid Fire to do 50% additional damage for the next 30 seconds.
NOTE: Romulan and Klingon characters can obtain this trait via the Cross-Faction Bundle: NX Escort Refit Equipment in the Lobi store.
Synergistic Retrofitting Set
This four piece set includes the consoles from the Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser [T6], the D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser [T6], the Thrai Dreadnought Warbird [T6] and the NX Escort Refit [T6]
Below are the four universal consoles in this set:
- Console – Universal – Dynamic Power Redistributor Module
- Found on the Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] (Starfleet Only)
- Found in the Console Pack in the Undiscovered Lockbox (Klingon and Romulan Only)
- Console – Universal – Disruption Pulse Emitter
- Found on the D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser [T6] (Klingon Only)
- Found in the Console Pack in the Undiscovered Lockbox (Starfleet and Romulan Only)
- Console – Universal – Secondary Shield Projector
- Found on the Thrai Dreadnought Warbird [T6] (Romulan Only)
- Found in the Console Pack in the Undiscovered Lockbox (Klingon and Starfleet Only)
- Console – Universal – Point Defense Bombardment Warhead (Starfleet Only)
- Found on the NX Escort Refit [T6] (Starfleet Only)
- Found in the Cross-Faction Bundle: NX Escort Refit Equipment in the Lobi Store
Set Bonuses
- Alliance Weaponry (2 piece) – Passive
- +Phaser, Disruptor and Plasma Directed Energy Weapon Damage
- Overcharged Components (3 piece) – Passive
- Recharge time reduction for all consoles in this set
- Masterwork Retrofitting (4 piece) – Passive
- Upgrades all consoles in this set to have additional bonuses:
- Dynamic Power Redistributor: Damage Buff increased slightly
- Disruption Pulse Emitter: Physical damage increased
- Extend Secondary Shields: Increased Secondary Shield potency
- Point Defense Bombardment Warhead: Warhead will fire micro-torpedoes more frequently
- Upgrades all consoles in this set to have additional bonuses:
Undiscovered Lock Box Starfleet Hangar Pets
Below is an outline of availability, abilities and equipment found on the Undiscovered Lock Box Starfleet Hangar Pets.
Type F Shuttles
These shuttles are unlocked in their stores listed below as long as you own the Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser.
Type F Shuttles
- Availability: EC Store, comes equipped on the Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser by default
- Weapons:
- 1x Phaser Bank (Fore)
- 1x Phaser Bank (Aft)
- Abilities:
- Emergency Power to Shields I
Advanced Type F Shuttles
- Availability: Dilithium Store
- Weapons:
- 1x Phaser Bank (Fore)
- 1x Photon Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- 1x Phaser Bank (Aft)
- Abilities:
- Emergency Power to Shields II
- Beam: Overload I
Elite Type F Shuttles
- Availability: Fleet Hangar Pet Store
- Weapons:
- 1x Phaser Bank (Fore)
- 1x Photon Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- 1x Phaser Bank (Aft)
- Abilities:
- Emergency Power to Shields II
- Beam: Overload II
Undiscovered Lock Box Klingon Hangar Pets
Below is an outline of availability, abilities and equipment found on the Undiscovered Lock Box Klingon Hangar Pets.
DuQwl’ Fighters
These fighters are unlocked in their stores listed below as long as you own the D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser.
DuQwl’ Fighters
- Availability: EC Store, comes equipped on the D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser by default
- Weapons:
- 1x Dual Heavy Disruptor Cannon (Fore)
- 1x Photon Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- Abilities:
- Lock Trajectory I
Advanced DuQwl’ Fighters
- Availability: Dilithium Store
- Weapons:
- 1x Dual Heavy Disruptor Cannon (Fore)
- 1x Photon Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- 1x Disruptor Turret (Aft)
- Abilities:
- Lock Trajectory I
- Cannon: Rapid Fire I
Elite DuQwl’ Fighters
- Availability: Fleet Hangar Pet Store
- Weapons:
- 1x Dual Heavy Disruptor Cannon (Fore)
- 1x Photon Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- 1x Disruptor Turret (Aft)
- Abilities:
- Lock Trajectory I
- Cannon: Rapid Fire II
Undiscovered Lock Box Romulan Hangar Pets
Below is an outline of availability, abilities and equipment found on the Undiscovered Lock Box Romulan Hangar Pets.
Kaleh Fighters
These fighters are unlocked in their stores listed below as long as you own the D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser.
Kaleh Fighters
- Availability: EC Store, comes equipped on the Thrai Dreadnought Warbird by default
- Weapons:
- 1x Dual Heavy Plasma Cannon (Fore)
- 1x Plasma Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- Abilities:
- Lock Trajectory I
Advanced Kaleh Fighters
- Availability: Dilithium Store
- Weapons:
- 1x Dual Heavy Plasma Cannon (Fore)
- 1x Plasma Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- 1x Plasma Turret (Aft)
- Abilities:
- Lock Trajectory I
- Cannon: Rapid Fire I
Elite Kaleh Fighters
- Availability: Fleet Hangar Pet Store
- Weapons:
- 1x Dual Heavy Plasma Cannon (Fore)
- 1x Plasma Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
- 1x Plasma Turret (Aft)
- Abilities:
- Lock Trajectory I
- Cannon: Rapid Fire II
NOTE: The above stats for all ships are subject to change.
Phil “Gorngonzolla” Zeleski
Cryptic Studios
Lead Systems Designer