It is time again for Risa’s annual Lohlunat Festival, and with it some much needed R&R for Captains from all corners of the Milky Way.
From August 4th to September 3rd,
the residents of Suraya Bay and the Lobi Crystal Consortium have once again partnered to bring festival participants the highest quality wares. Among these exciting prices are the all new Risian Weather Control Vessel [T6]. A Dev Blog containing full stats and descriptions will be published separately, so keep your eyes open for it. This year’s celebration will launch simultaneously on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, allowing players of Star Trek Online to get into the summertime spirit regardless of their platform of choice.
As for other Risa activities, all of your old favorites from previous years will be returning, including Powerboard Races, the Biathlon, Horga’hn Hunting, Scavenging with Sovak, and of course the galaxy-famous Dance Party. For the first time this year, participating in any of the events will grant progress towards the Risian Weather Control Vessel!
Also as in previous years, we’re loading up the Summer Event Store with new prizes for you to earn. All of the following new store offerings can be purchased using Lohlunat Favors, earned by participating in various events around the island. We’re continuing the baseball theme introduced during last year’s event, to offer new colorful variants of some of the prizes you’ve loved seeing during previous Summer Events.
Players may access the Event Store by completing the “Unlock the Summer Event Prize Vendor” Event Reputation project, then spend their Favors to purchase:
Costumes – Baseball Uniforms
This year will see the introduction of six new uniform options!
- Workbees Baseball Uniforms – Home
- Workbees Baseball Uniforms – Away
Costumes - Band T-shirts!
Show off that you've seen the hottest touring bands in the Final Frontier with these shirts!
- Hlchmey – Black
- Hlchmey – White
- Sons of None Shirt – Black
- Sons of None Shirt – Red
Impulsive Floaters and Powerboards (Ground Devices)
This year’s Impulsive offerings are just as fast as last year’s, but also just as difficult to control – all that speed comes with a price for the rookie pilot!
Pick up yours today, themed after the Utopia Planitia Workbees!
Team-Themed Vanity Shield
Returning this year is a new Team-themed Vanity Shield! As with the other Baseball-themed items, this one is themed after the Utopia Planitia Workbees.
Universal Kit Modules
Risa continues the trend of repurposing Vorgon technology with the introduction of a new Kit Modules
- The Floor is Lava:
- This Kit Module transforms a patch of ground into a patch of flowing lava, complete with lava geysers that spew up from the ground. The lava deals fire damage to all those standing in it, and anyone drenched by a geyser takes even more significant fire damage and is knocked off their feet.
- Ball Lightning:
- This Kit Module manipulates nearby weather conditions to create highly localized electrical disturbances in the air that move around wildly, causing severe electrical damage and shield drains to anyone who gets too close.
Risian Kit Frame
All new this year to the ground offerings is a kit frame, equippable by any career. Among the exciting features of this kit frame is a bonus to weapon damage that increases with the number of Risian kit modules you have equipped – ones from this year or past years as well! Additionally, it has a chance to cause the effects of any Risian Kit Module whenever you activate any other Risian Kit Module – even kit modules you can’t or don’t have equipped!
Risian Rainbow Caracal (Vanity Pet)
The Risian Rainbow Caracal is a small animal native to the planet Risa. Closely related to the other caracals present on Risa, they are diurnal creatures with an even temperament.
Rainbow Tribble (Ground Device)
Tribbles, a cute, round furry creature that purr when touched, have a tranquilizing effect on most races.
This breed was raised on Risa, its brilliant colors a reflection of the joy seen in all those around it. Petting this breed of tribble helps give you the feeling of the community it's used to, allowing you and your teammates to work better together in combat. This tribble is unafraid of Klingons or other species that have treated Tribbles negatively in the past.
Jette “CrypticSpartan” Leavens
Systems Designer
Star Trek Online