PC Patch Notes 3/25/21
Check out all the exciting changes coming to Star Trek Online in our latest patch notes!
By Ambassador Kael March 24, 2021, 07:57 PM

- Subspace Interception Updates:
- Removed 20sec hard lockout for saved targets.
- They may now be saved again as soon as they are not benefiting from another copy of Subspace Interception.
- Updated power description to more closely match recent changes in functionality.
- Resolved an issue where the Recharge was listed as 0.5 sec for all Ranks.
- Neutronic Eddies Updates:
- Reduced radius of each storm from 4km to 3km, to closer match the artwork.
- The "jostled" effect can now be resisted, and is no longer guaranteed on every tick of a storm.
- Removed inappropriate data that may have allowed this power to be affected by buffs, and trigger effects, that it is not intended to be affected by.
- Replaced placeholder debuff icon with correct artwork.
- Updated the Kamarag Battlecruiser parts to be useable on the Vor'cha Battlecruiser.
- If you own the T3 or T5 Kamarag, you can use Kamarag parts on the Vor'cha.
- If you own the T5/T5U Fleet Kamarag, you can use Kamarag or K'maj parts on the Vor'cha.
- A Kamarag variant must be commissioned for its parts to appear in the ship customization UI while viewing the Vor'cha.
- Added "Assessed Strategem" to the list of choices found in the "Klingon Recruitment - Choice of Elite Mark" packages
- Removed ship animations from "Eat My Dust" abilities in the Pilot Specialization, as these animations were sometimes triggering when it was not appropriate.
- Reduced the visuals associated with the Starship Trait "Battle Ready" to be less ongoing.
- Resolved an issue that was causing the 23c Ithenite Dress from displaying properly when worn.
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