We're launching a special event with the Phoenix Prize Pack! From July 1st at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) until July 8th at 10am PT (19:00 CEST), you'll be able to pick up a free Phoenix Prize Pack from Grym on Drozana Station or Onna on Deep Space Nine, once per day. These Prize Packs contain the prizes of the past, allowing you access to the weapons, items, and ships you may have missed over the years in Star Trek Online. You can see a full list of the prizes contained within, below!
The Phoenix Prize Pack is a special pack, purchased with Dilithium (or obtained for free, during this event). Opening it grants you a token of one of five rarities, and you can redeem that token for a list of prizes on that rarity tier.
But that's not all. During this limited time event, the Experimental Starship Upgrade tokens are returning to the Phoenix Prize Pack! You'll be able to claim them in the Ultra Rare tier, and power up one of your T5-U or T6 ships with a new Device Slot, a New Console, and a special Trait slot! These tokens will only be available in this pack during this event, so don't miss your chance.
Here's the full list of all the prizes you can win, by rarity:
- Breen Plesh Tral Heavy Raider [T6]
- Bajoran Interceptor [T6]
- Vorgon Ryn’kodan Carrier [T6]
- Breen Rezreth Dreadnought Cruiser [T6]
- Breen Sarr Theln Carrier [T6]
- Kobali Samsar Cruiser [T6]
- Krenim Science Vessel [T6]
- Ferengi Nandi Warship [T6]
- Vorgon Xyfius Escort [T6]
- Breen Chel Boalg Warship [T6]
- Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel [T6]
- Experimental Ship Upgrade Token
- Jem’Hadar Attack Ship [T5]
- Breen Chel Grett Warship [T5]
- Breen Plesh Brek Heavy Raider [T5]
- Risian Corvette [T5]
- Risian Luxury Cruiser [T5]
- Voth Bulwark Dreadnought Cruiser [T5]
- Console - Universal - Prolonged Engagement Power Dynamo
- Prolonged Engagement Phaser Beam Array
- Prolonged Engagement Phaser Dual Cannons
- Prolonged Engagement Photon Torpedo
- Bajoran Defense Warp Core
- Sompek Pulsewave Rifle
- Mirror Universe Phaser Dual Pistols
- Console – Universal – Voth Phase Decay
- Bozeman Hyper-Impulse Engines
- Red Matter Capacitor
- Universal Kit Module – Crystalline Spike
- Zefram Cochrane Shotgun
- Crystalline Energy Torpedo Launcher
- Tritanium Rending Bat’leth (KDF Only)
- Young Nanov – Vanity Pet (Romulan Only)
- Mirror Universe Agony Field Rifle
- Future Flyer Powerboard
- Crystal Radiation Projector
- Furiadon Fangs
- Console - Universal - Interphasic Instability
- Sompek Blast Assault
- Universal Kit Module - Sompek Lightning
- Neal Falconer – Duty Officer
- Phoenix Replica Smallcraft
- Assimilated Assault Cruiser – Admiralty Card
- I.S.S. Stadi – Admiralty Card
- Crystalline Shard – Space Vanity Pet
- Console – Universal – Crystalline Absorption Matrix
- Console – Tactical – Automated Defense Turret
- V.S.S. Tanius – Admiralty Ship
- Hakeev (Mirror Universe) – Duty Officer
- Mariah Kilara Marr – Duty Officer
- Emergency Conn Hologram (FED) – Duty Officer
- Emergency Conn Hologram (KDF) – Duty Officer
- Ang the Viscious – Duty Officer
- Automated Personnel Unit – Duty Officer
- Tactical Exocomp – Duty Officer (Federation Only)
- Goshi the Augmented – Duty Officer (KDF Only)
- Varel (Doff)
- Kobali Soldier Uniform
- Starship Mastery Unlock: Theta Radiation Infused Maneuvers
- Tsunkatse Gloves
- Sompek Personal Shield
- Starship Emote Pack: “Thumbs Up” and “Thumbs Down”
- Starship Emote Pack: “Smile” and “Sad”
- Starship Emote Pack: “Rock,” “Paper,” and “Scissors”
- Starship Emote Pack: “Live Long and Prosper”
- Radan Tribble
- Solanae Tribble
- Mol’Rihan Tribble
- Crossfire Tribble
- Fleet Tribble
- Holographic Combat Drone
- Dilithium Encrusted Horta
- Mugato Leash
- Phoenix Shuttle Vanity Pet
- Toron Shuttle Vanity Pet
- Type-8 Shuttlecraft Vanity Pet
- Emote Unlock: Air Guitar
- Emote Unlock: Bloodwine
- Emote Unlock: Bow
- Emote Unlock: Dance (Jester)
- Emote Unlock: Frustrated
- Emote Unlock: Khan
- Emote Unlock: Pick Me
- Emote Unlock: Shaka, When The Walls Fell
- Emote Unlock: Shoo
- Space Combat Pet – Fighter Squadron
- Fleet Credit Bonus Pool
- Fleet Mark Bonus Pool
- Reputation Mark Bonus Pool
- Commendation XP Bonus Pool
- Phoenix Tech Upgrade Kit
- Photonic Tribble