As part of our upcoming content release, from May 10th at 8am PT to June 9th at 10am PT (for PC Captains) and later this year for Console Captains, a special event looms: Heart of the Storm. This new event will give an opportunity to drive back the Terrans and claim an epic reward – the Kuumaarke Visionary Ground Set. Read on to find out more about the event and its rewards.
Event Progress
Participating in this event grants daily progress towards the Grand Prize: The four-piece Kuumaarke Visionary Ground Set. Obtaining the Kuumaarke Visionary Ground Set requires 20 daily progress, and Captains can earn daily progress once per account per day by playing either the new episode or Task Force Operation released this season, or any of the other episodes or Task Force Operations in the event. In total, four available missions and four available TFOs reward daily progress. They are as follows:
- Episode: Firewall
- Episode: Red Shift
- Episode: Blue Shift (New!)
- Episode: The Calling (New!)
- TFO: Operation: Wolf
- TFO: Iupiter Irratus
- TFO: Forged in Fire (New!)
- TFO: Counterpoint
Once Captains have obtained 20 daily progress on their account, they can claim the Kuumaarke Visionary Ground Set. After that, the event will still be playable, granting a scaling Dilithium reward that begins at 8,000 Dilithium Ore and scales by 1,000 Dilithium Ore for every day you participate in the event, up to a cap of 50,000 Dilithium Ore per day.
Captains will also have the option to purchase their remaining progress in the event with Zen. The price for this buyout will be pro-rated, based on the amount of progress a Captain has completed.
The Kuumaarke Visionary Ground Set
Little is known about the Kuumaarke of the mirror universe. Her technology is at once impressive and distressing, soft-spoken and megalomaniacal. The lightning weapon is capable of significant electrical damage, and it restores the user’s shields and deals bonus damage when used on low Health Foes. Even more potential is stored in its tertiary attack: a shockwave which converts the user’s shields into electric damage for and a dramatic bonus to Kit Performance for the user’s next Kit Module (or Symphony of Lightning – see below). The armor contains an array of backup capacitors, able to restore full power to the Personal Shield Generator at a moment’s notice. The PSG itself, when its shields fall in combat, automatically deploys a drone to provide an invulnerability field around the user for a brief period of time. Lastly, the set contains a Kit Module, which deploys the same drone in a more aggressive role, dealing electrical damage over time to nearby Foes, with bonus damage for enemies with high remaining Health.
The machinations only become more dire when combined:
2 pieces: Electromagnetic Force Majeure
- Improves Kit Performance
- Improves Maximum Health based on a percentage of Maximum Shield Capacity
- When Shields are full in combat, drains 25% of current Shield Capacity to provide a large boost to Kit Performance for the next Kit Module or Symphony of Lightning used
3 pieces: Active: Symphony of Lightning
- Marks up to 8 Foes in a cone in front of the user, then strikes a random mark Foe with lightning several times, plus an additional number of times based on Kit Performance. Foes struck repeatedly take slightly reduced damage per additional bolt.
4 pieces: Power Overwhelming
- Further improves Kit Performance
- Improves Electromagnetic Force Majeure’s bonus to Health
- Improves Electromagnetic Force Majeure’s bonus to Kit Performance when draining shields
- Improves shield recovery by using the weapon on low health targets
This item also unlocks unique Mirror Lukari costume pieces for you to use with your character, as seen above!
This is a special event for our next content drop, and is not part of an Event Campaign. We hope you enjoy this special event, Captains, and we'll see you in game.
Jon Herlache
Systems Designer
Cryptic Studios