My dearest, dearest friends. And by that, of course, I mean my greatest customers. I, Harcourt Fenton Mudd, and my personal army of Harcourt Fenton Mudds, have brought you a glorious treat this day. You could say we got a bit - carried away! Ha, haha, haaaa sir, that was a joke. You laugh at those. Do they have jokes on your world? Never mind. Behold! Carriers from four of the deadliest species every encountered by the Federation! For those of you with a little bit of extra manpower, these machines are a dream come true, launching fighters of advanced, alien type for your more...expendable associates to pilot to glory. You may choose any three, or of course, get them all at once at a special price! Step this way!
Yes, sir, you see, they're carriers. And we got carried away. Nothing? Really?
Mudd is opening the doors on a new Choice Pack on June 8th, this one full of carriers! Purchase the Mudd's Carried Away Choice Pack for 29500 Zen, and choose any three of the above options! But that's not all - this pack will be 50% off from 6/23 @ 8am PT (17:00 CEST) - 7/7 @ 10am PT (19:00 CEST). Choose from the following options:
- Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier
- Herald Quas Flight Deck Carrier
- Tholian Jorogumo Science Carrier
- Xindi-Aquatic Briostrys Dreadnought Carrier
- [2x Pack] T6 Ship Coupon - 100% Off
- [1x] Epic Phoenix Prize Pack Token
- [9x Pack] T6x Upgrade Tokens
- [10x Pack] Ultimate Tech Upgrade
We're adding a special version of the pack! The Mudd's MEGA Carried Away Bundle is a one stop purchase to obtain all eight items in the pack at once! The pack contains all eight items, no choices needed. It will also launch on 6/23, for 60000 Zen, but will be 50% off until 7/7 at 10am PT (19:00 CEST). Here's how it works:
- The MEGA Carried Away Bundle will appear in Mudd's Market at the same time as the Carried Away Choice Pack
- This is a once per account purchase. When purchased, it will disappear from the store. If you'd like, you can still purchase the Carried Away Pack for more of the non-ship items.
- Purchasing the MEGA Carried Away Bundle will drop an item in your inventory, that you can unpack to receive the items.
- If you wish to buy both the MEGA Carried Away Bundle and the Carried Away Choice Pack, you must purchase the bundle first. Any purchase of the Choice Pack will cause the Bundle to disappear from the store.
Never seen one of these packs before? Seen them all but still unsure how they work? Here's an FAQ just for you:
Each time I buy this pack, I get to choose any three items?
Yes! Even if you only purchase it once, the Mudd’s Carried Away Choice Pack allows you to choose any three of the above ships, upgrades and more. You can choose multiples of the same item, as long as it’s not a ship. Some of the possibilities include:
- The Jem'Hadar Carrier, the Tholian Carrier and the Herald Carrier
- The Jem'Hadar Carrier and Two of the Experimental Ship Upgrade Packs, totaling 18 Upgrades
- Three Ultimate Tech Upgrade Packs, equalling thirty upgrades
- The Tholian Carrier, Two T6 Coupons, and an Epic Phoenix Prize Pack token
- And more!
Are the ships bound to the character that buys them?
Nope! The ships are account unlocks, like everything in the Zen Store. Once you purchase the bundle and choose any of the ships, you unlock that ship for all your characters, immediately, and all future characters.
Can I claim a second ship of the same type?
Also no. Because the ships are unlocked for your entire account, you only need to choose each ship once. Therefore, should you purchase a bundle and choose the Tholian Carrier and two non-ship items, if you purchase a second bundle, you won’t be able to choose the Tholian Carrier again.
But I can choose the non-ship items again?
You sure can. You can choose the T6 Ship Coupons, Epic Phoenix Prize Pack Token, Experimental Ship Upgrades, and Ultimate Tech Upgrade up to three times each, per purchase of the bundle.
Even within the same purchase?
That’s right. If you only want Upgrades, you can purchase this bundle once, choose the Upgrades three times, and get 30 Upgrades. It’s up to you!
Do I have to purchase more than one bundle to get all the items?
Do I have to purchase more than one bundle?
No! If you just want three of the ships, or any other combination, just purchase it once, claim the three items you want, and never think of it again.
Do I have to purchase this bundle?
That’s really up to you, friend.
How on earth does Mudd get these ships?
That's an excellent question. Look over there! A shiny distraction while I flee!
By the way, everything in Mudd's Market that isn't a Bundle is on sale for 75% off from June 23rd at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) to June 27th at 10am (19:00 CEST)! Grab more for your zen!
