Startrek Online

Announcing the Dauntless

Once again, I’m happy to welcome you to the Delta Quadrant! We’ve been making exciting announcements lately about many aspects of Delta Rising, from our celebrity reveal, to details on Tier 6 ships and specifics on advancing your Captains to the new level cap of 60. Well, in the spirit of exciting news, I’m pleased to announce a new addition to the Delta Rising: Operations Pack.

The Dauntless Class Experimental Science Vessel has been added to the Delta Rising: Operations Pack for anyone that has already purchased the pack or purchases the pack moving forward.

The original Dauntless class science vessel was discovered by the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager in the Delta Quadrant in 2374. Completely alien in origin, the ship and its Quantum Slipstream Drive were created as a trap for the crew. Recently, however, specifications for the ship were discovered in the Delta Quadrant, and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers has been able to recreate this impressive starship as a Tier 6 vessel.

More details on this ship’s stats will be available in a blog that will be released shortly, so keep your hailing frequencies open!

Check out the Delta Rising: Operations Pack today!


Stephen “Salami Inferno” Ricossa
Lead Producer
Star Trek Online

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Click here to learn more about Delta Rising, our free-to-play expansion for Star Trek Online. Explore the Delta Quadrant & rediscover the allies & the enemies the Voyager crew made during their exodus from distant space back to Earth & the Federation. Prepare yourself & your crew with an Delta Operations Pack now available for purchase! Click on the logo below to learn more about it.

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