Startrek Online

Console Patch Notes for 8/2/18

Check out all the exciting changes coming to Star Trek Online in our latest patch notes!


  • Resolved a graphics related crash that was occurring when returning to the login screen.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when opening the Landing Page.
  • Resolved an issue that blocked Dominion faction characters from accessing various systems within the game.
  • Resolved an issue in the Gamma Battlezone when players did not respond to the accept/decline dialog, the match would automatically decline.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing the mission Doomed to Repeat to not Auto-Hail when available.
  • Removed the old Season 9 loading screen.


  • Resolved a typo in the Gamma Recruit reward box.
    • It was referencing getting two boxes when the reward is actually only 1 box that sets a R&D school to 10.

Known Issues:

  • Reputation projects can sometimes get in a state where the player is unable to contribute towards the project.
    • A work around to resolve this is to changes maps and then access the Reputation Project. 
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