This is…we’re und…arbase One…end help!
A priority alert has gone out over all Alliance channels. The Federation’s Starbase One is under attack by a new form of Borg, and desperately fighting for their lives. You must go and assist before it’s too late! If these Borg gain a foothold in our universe, all will be lost.
It’s time for “Resistance of Starbase One.” In this reimagining of the fan favorite TFO “Defense of Starbase One,” the new, aggressive and dangerous form of the Borg are laying siege to Starbase One. You’ll have to defeat waves of enemies and escort evacuation ships, just like before, but this time alongside new allies in the modern Federation and the Tholians, and new enemies in this new, more powerful Borg. This reimagined TFO launches on PC with the launch of Star Trek Online: Incursion.