Arc News

The City of Aeteana Event Announcement

By nekoecho
Mon 25 Sep 2023 10:44:54 AM PDT

Hunter Training
Event Time:
From the start of the new season until 23:59 on November 30, 2023(UTC+8)
Event Details:

  • Upon reaching Character Level 92, the Hunter Special Training Event will be unlocked for the Hunter role.
  • Starting from the first day of the event, three special training quests will be refreshed daily at midnight. Completing these quests will grant a certain quantity of Hunter Medals as rewards. Accumulating a specific amount of Hunter Medals during the event will unlock massive rewards.
  • There is a daily limit on the number of special training quests that can be completed. At midnight, an additional 3 quest slots will be added, with the maximum limit accumulating up to 12 quests.
  • All quests are repeatable tasks. Before reaching the upper limit, all quests can be completed multiple times.

Event Reward: Jona Tax Voucher - Flame Elementium

The End of the False God
Event Time:

September 15, 2023, 00:00 to November 30, 2023, 23:59(UTC+8)
Event Details:
The supreme bosses [Body of the False God/Shadow of the False God] are attacking, defeat the false gods to win Appearance Crystals, Jagged Primocrysts, and other generous rewards.
Detailed Rules:

  • This event includes 5 event stages, which can only be accessed through the [False God's End] event interface.
  • Event Stages do not require tickets, can be challenged repeatedly, and failure does not deduct XP.
  • Upon completing the challenges, the following stages will be unlocked in sequence: False Divine Temple - Forgotten, False Divine Temple - Awakened, False Divine Temple - Sublimation, False Divine Temple - Formless Creation, and False Divine Temple - Annihilation Echo.
  • In the False Divine Temple - Annihilation Echo stage, the False God's skills can cause fatal damage to players, so please be cautious.
  • After completing the challenge, you need to return to the event interface to claim rewards. Rewards can only be claimed once. After claiming the rewards, you can still replay the stage.
  • After the event ends, the challenge quests will no longer be completable, and unclaimed rewards will not be claimable. Please complete the challenges and claim your rewards in a timely manner.

Stars of Long Night

  • Iris Advanced Hero Apparel: Fallen Witch
  • Advanced Back Accessory Outfit: River of Stars
  • Weapon Outfit: Staff - Starwatch Scepter
  • Skill Effect: Dark Gate - Crushed Star Prism
  • Skill Effect: Summon Frost Spirit - Frost Snow
  • Skill Effect: Summon Flame Spirit - Sunlight
  • Skill Effect: Summon Thunder Spirit - Luminescent
  • Body Effect: Unchanging Stars

Life in Desert Sea

  • Erika's Advanced Hero Apparel: Sea in Bright Night
  • Erika's Advanced Hero Apparel: Sea of Sand
  • Weapon Outfit: Claw - Sea-Condensing Talon
  • Weapon Outfit: One-Handed Sword - Sea-Condensing Longsword
  • Body Effect: Azure Starfall
  • Skill Effect: Wind Stalker - Shallow Sea Breeze

Project Black Fire

  • Moto Advanced Hero Apparel: Black Fire Leader
  • Skill Effect: Machine Army - Thought Deconstruction
  • Skill Effect: Summon Mechanical Guard - Black Fire Defender
  • Skill Effect: Summon Spider Tank - Black Fire Executioner
  • Skill Effect: Summon Grim Phantom - Black Fire Lurker
  • Body Effect: Overriding Personality
  • Weapon Outfit: One-Handed Hammer - Black Fire Maul

Sinful Whispers

Gemma's Advanced Hero Apparel: Sinner of Flames
Weapon Outfit: One-Handed Sword - Hellfire Piercing
Skill Effect: Frost Spike - Fire Bat Piercing
Body Effect: Hellfire Whispers

Monument of Lost Home

Legendary Pactspirit: Monument Knight
Pactspirit Type: Drop

  • Inner Ring Effect: +3% Drop Quantity; 4% chance for dropped Pages of Aeterna to be doubled; Additional +4% Soul Candle drops;
  • Mid Ring Effect: +6% Drop Quantity; 8% chance for dropped Pages of Aeterna to be doubled; Additional +8% Soul Candle drops;
  • Outer Ring Effect: Each time a player completes a Candelabrum gameplay in the Ruins of Aeterna, there is a 16% chance to gain an additional reward point on the Aeterna Map, up to a maximum of 15 times. After rebuilding Aeterna, all the added reward points will be randomly distributed to the accessible areas of the Aeterna Map.
  • Additional Effect: When players activate the Reward Gameplay in The City of Aeterna, there is an 8% chance of doubling the rewards.

Scale of Throne

Legendary Pactspirit [Abyssal King Soul]
Pactspirit Type: Persistent

  • Inner Ring Effect: +5% Reaping Cooldown Recovery Speed; +12% Damage Over Time; +10% Affliction Effect
  • Mid Ring Effect: +10% Reaping Cooldown Recovery Speed; +24% Damage Over Time; +20% Affliction Effect
  • Outer Ring Effect: Damage Over Time has a 35% chance to spread to nearby targets; additional +25% Reaping Cooldown Recovery Speed.
  • Additional Effect: If you have dealt Reaping damage recently, gain +10% Movement Speed.

Legendary Pactspirit [Scale of Original Sin]
Pactspirit Type: Summon

  • Inner Ring Effect: Spirit Magus Skill -10% Sealed Mana; +10% Damage/15% Minion Damage; +5% Skill Duration Time
  • Mid Ring Effect: Spirit Magus Skill -20% Sealed Mana; +20% Damage/30% Minion Damage; +10% Skill Duration
  • Outer Ring Effect: When any two of Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence are equal, gain an additional +40% Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage.
  • Additional Effect: +1 Spirit Magus Skill Level


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