Arc News

Delete Alt Control!

By Fero
Fri 14 Jun 2024 08:00:00 AM PDT

Alongside tenuous allies from another dimension, our story continues into distant dimensions and alternate realities. From these mysterious reaches, dangers simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar will emerge. From June 20th at 8am PT to Julye 19th at 12pm PT on Xbox and PlayStation, you can participate in the “Delete Alt Control” event. This new event will find you facing an old foe in a new form, simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar, as well as offering an array of valuable and enticing rewards.

Event Progress

Participating in this event grants daily progress towards a Grand Prize that consists of a bundle of different items:

  • Epic Prize Token – Phoenix Prize Pack
    • Reclaimable ONCE for each character on your account!
  • Dimensional Hypermass Torpedo Launcher (space weapon)
    • Account-wide Reclaimable
  • Type 14 Shuttle Support Squadron (space distress call device)
    • Account-wide Reclaimable
  • Once per Account:  500x Lobi Crystals

Earning this Grand Prize requires 20 daily progress, and Captains can earn daily progress once per account per day by playing either the new Episode or Task Force Operation released this season, or any of the other Episodes or Task Force Operations in the event. They are as follows:

  • Episode: Situation Under Control (NEW!)
    • Follow your newfound Aetherian allies on a mission into a new alternate dimension.
  • Episode: Scorpion’s Abyss
  • TFO:  Borg Battle Royale (NEW!)
    • Join Kuumaarke in running a Borg combat simulation through its paces, testing yourself against more and more deadly iterations of this implacable foe.
  • TFO: Guillotine

Once Captains have obtained 20 points on their account, they can claim the Grand Prize Bundle listed above. After that, the event will still be playable, granting a scaling Dilithium reward that begins at 8,000 Dilithium Ore and scales by 1,000 Dilithium Ore for every day you participate in the event, up to a cap of 50,000 Dilithium Ore per day.

Captains will also have the option to purchase their remaining progress in the event with Zen. The price for this buyout will be pro-rated, based on the amount of progress a Captain has completed.

Epic Prize Token – Phoenix Prize Pack

This prize will be reclaimable just once per character on your account and may be used to purchase a Tier 6 Starship from among those currently included in the Phoenix Reclamation Store. This list of ships is as follows:

  • Vulcan T’Pau Scout Ship [T6]
  • Bajoran Interceptor [T6]
  • Breen Plesh Tral Heavy Raider [T6]
  • Vorgon Ryn’kodan Carrier [T6]
  • Vorgon Xyfius Heavy Escort [T6]
  • Breen Rezreth Dreadnought Cruiser [T6]
  • Breen Sarr Theln Carrier [T6]
  • Kobali Samsar Cruiser [T6]
  • Krenim Science Vessel [T6]
  • Breen Chel Boalg Warship [T6]
  • Ferengi Warship [T6]
  • Lukari Ho’kuun Science Vessel [T6]
  • Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser [T6]

Each of these ships are character-only (not account-wide unlocks), and may not be traded upon acquisition.

Dimensional Hypermass Torpedo Launcher

Dimensional Hypermass torpedoes have a chance of siphoning off the target's subsystem power and shield capacity and granting it to the torpedo's source.

They are otherwise mechanically identical to Quantum Torpedoes, though they deal slightly more base damage, and have a slightly longer firing cooldown.

This item will be rewarded as a Levelless version that will automatically scale in power with your Captain’s level up to level 60. At that point, it may be Upgraded which will convert it to Mk XII, at which point further Tech Upgrades may be applied to further escalate this item’s power and capabilities.

Type 14 Shuttle Support Squadron

This device is a distress call beacon that will call in a squadron of eight Type 14 Federation Shuttles. These small craft are capable of using Photon Torpedo Spread to damage groups of foes, as well as Engineering Team to repair you and your teammates in the nearby area. They will perform a tactical withdrawal from the area after 60sec.

This device shares a minimum cooldown with other distress call devices. It may be activated from your inventory. Cannot be used while piloting a Small Craft.

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