Arc News

Arc Game Guides!

By sparkiesoft
Fri 04 Apr 2014 12:00:00 PM PDT

Hello Everyone!


Are you a new player and completely lost, or are you a seasoned vet, but not quite sure how a specific game mechanic works? Maybe you’re looking for your games’ Wiki, but your searches are turning up nothing? Well look no further. With Arc, you can easily find game guides and their respective Wiki’s!

Don’t have Arc yet? Come download it here:

Go ahead and download your game of choice. Not sure how to do that? Follow this guide: Install Guide

Now that you have Arc installed, let’s go find those Guides and Wiki’s!

Navigate to your LIBRARY and click the game of your choice on the left. Once you have done this, you will see a page like below. Simply click on GUIDES or WIKI to be taken to their respective pages. (Note, the Wiki will open your internet browser)


Guides Example


Wiki Example


Accessing vital game information has never been easier!

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Sparkiesoft and the Arc Team


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